Title: 性別、婚姻與族群:泰雅客家媳婦尤希.樓美的生命史研究
An Atayal daughter-in-law in a Hakka family : the story of YuSi-Lomuy.
Authors: 吳怡玟
Keywords: 女性;通婚;認同;族群;生活故事;female;intermarriage;identify;ethnic;life story
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 本文主角是生養教育我四十餘年的母親,她是泰雅族原住民名為尤希,漢名為戴吳志利,與我客家籍的父親結婚。本文藉由參與觀察以及訪談,來探討原住民女性與客家族群通婚的生命經驗。第一章為緒論,對尤希的生命故事背景作概括性的敘說;第二章呈現母親在原住民生活圈的生活記事;第三至四章開始描述母親婚入客家大家庭的點滴;第五章結論,探討母親在族群認同的心路歷程;最後的餘論則提出研究者的省思。本文描述族群通婚中的困境、調適等歷程,以一女性為研究對象,一方面呈現在民國五十年代至今,跨越兩個族群之間,大時代中小視界的微縮身影,另一方面則展現一位身處多元文化的階級歧視框架下,仍順利跨越族群,活出自我精彩的女性生活故事。
The protagonist of this article is my mother who gave birth to me and educated me for more than forty years. My mother, an Atayal aborigine named YuSi, formed interracial marriage with my father from a Hakka ethnic. The first chapter is an introduction to the narrative of YuSi 's life story. The second chapter presents details of the lives of my mother in an aboriginal living areas. The third to fourth chapters begin to describe the life of my mother in the Hakka community. Chapter V concludes with the mental identity of my mother, and thoughts of the author over these topics. This research narrates the real-life story and to study the plight of interracial marriage and the process of adaptation. The life story of a miniature figure across two ethnicities in the era of 60’s to 70’s. A magnificent life story of a women living under discrimination in the framework of a multicultural class. The protagonist still live up and succeed across the ethnics.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT079878510
Appears in Collections:Thesis