DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorKuo, Ching-Manen_US
dc.contributor.authorHuang, Han-Chunen_US
dc.contributor.authorLiao, Hsiu-Chenen_US
dc.description.abstract本論文從句法與語意之互動研究中文放置類動詞「裝」、「盛」及「填」之詞彙語意,並透過「概念結構」 (Jackendoff 1990) 與認知機制「語意側重」 (Langacker 1987) 兩者理論架構與圖像基模概念之結合,表現其典型事件概念結構與詞彙語意特性。根據過去學者們的研究顯示,「放置類動詞」 (placement verb) 表示一種「致使移動事件」 (caused-motion event) (Fillmore & Baker 2000, Chang 2015)。其事件意涵則表示「施事者」使「客體」移動至其「處所」,主要事件參與角色有三者:「施事者」、「客體」及「處所」,如英文的放置類動詞put、 load及 fill (Levin 1993, Fillmore & Baker 2000)等、中文典型放置動詞「放」(Chang 2015) 以及本文探討之放置類動詞「裝」、「盛」及「填」。透過Liu et al. (2012) 在「漢語典型移動事件基模」(The Proto-Motion Event Schema in Mandarin Chinese) 一文中所提出之基礎事件構詞詞序概念,進一步探究致使移動事件之空間配置關係 (spatial relation)。 本文主要以「中文詞彙特性素描系統」(Chinese Word Sketch Engine) 語料庫為主,彙整出「裝」、「盛」及「填」個別動詞句法共現結構 (syntactic collocations) 及基本句式與句法表現,進而推論其語意角色之語意特性。根據語料之觀察與發現,「裝」、「盛」及「填」涵蓋了完整的「放置事件」。基於三者事件之互動,分別呈現出不同句法表現及語意分布,其中,事件所牽涉的核心語意角色分別有:「施事者」、「客體」及「處所」。三者動詞對於「處所」之語意特性有不同之要求:(1)「裝」之處所為「(可移動)容器」 ((MOVABLE) CONTAINER);(2) 「盛」為「食具容器」(FOOD CONTAINER);(3) 「填」則為「間隙空間」(UNCOVERED CONFINED SPACE)。再者,較為特別的是,動詞「盛」與其他二者相異之處為:「盛」事件本質上內含一個固有的論元角色「工具」。我們透過句法結構表現,得以推論出這三者動詞在語意角色上語意特性之差異性。 根據語料觀察與其事件類型,本研究試圖提出事件圖像基模,將其訂定為在認知上語意之基礎 (The Base of Caused-Motion Event),透過此一圖像基模發展個別事件之典型圖像基模,側重 (profile) 不同語意面向,進一步結合事件典型概念結構,整合分析動詞之間的相似性與差異性。 簡言之,本研究根據語料庫中語料之觀察呈現其句法表現與語意特性,提出個別事件之典型概念結構,並結合認知機制「語意側重」(Semantic Base and Profile) 與圖像基模,闡析中文放置類動詞「裝」、「盛」及「填」詞彙語意之差異性與相似性。 關鍵詞:中文動詞「裝」、「盛」、「填」,中文放置類動詞,詞彙語意學,概念結構,語意側重zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis paper investigates verbal semantics of the placement verbs zhuāng, chéng, and tián in Taiwan Mandarin within syntactic-to-semantic interaction. Based on theoretical perspectives, in order to find out the prototypicality of the event structures and the semantic attributes, we provide the prototypical conceptual structures (Jackendoff 1990) of the three events and a basic image schema (i.e., an image schema of caused-motion events, particularly for the placement events) which is profiled in a diversity of the placement verbs with a cognitive mechanism, semantic base and profile (Langacker 1987). In the past decades, many researchers have suggested that placement verbs are specifically caused-motion event which indicates that an AGENT causes a THEME to move to a LOCATION (Fillmore & Baker 2000, Chang 2015). The core semantic roles of the placing events are AGENT, THEME, and LOCATION, such as the placement verbs put, load, fill, and so on shown in English (Levin 1993, Fillmore & Baker 2000) and the prototypical placement verb fàng, and the other placement verbs zhuāng, chéng, and tián discussed here in Taiwan Mandarin. Therefore, after the argument realization, we figure out the spatial relation of these caused-motion events and realize it by the “colloconstructional sequencing of the motion verbs” (Liu et al. 2012). Based on a close look into a corpus data (adopting the Chinese Word Sketch (CWS) corpus), we organize the syntactic collocations and the basic syntactic patterns of the three verbs to deduce the semantic attributes of the participant roles. According to the data observation, the three verbs, zhuāng, chéng, and tián, display a particular and complete caused-motion event. They represent the different syntactic behaviors and the semantic properties, especially in the difference of the specification of the LOCATION (i.e., LOC., a destination or a goal that the moved objects situated or placed): (1) the LOC. of the verb zhuāng requires a (MOVABLE) CONTAINER; (2) the LOC. of the verb chéng needs a FOOD CONTAINER; and (3) the verb tián intends to specify an UNCOVERED CONFINED SPACE. Hence, based on the syntactic behaviors and the deduced semantic attributes, we propose an image schema of a caused-motion event (a base) to profile the distinctive processes. Furthermore, it is suggested that the image schema incorporated with the prototypicality of the conceptual structures presents the differences and the similarities of the placement verbs. This paper aims to account for the verbal semantics of the three placement verbs within the syntactic-to-semantic interaction and the cognitive mechanisms. We attempt to postulate the prototypicality of the conceptual structures comprised with the image schema to differentiate the distinctions and the similarities of the placement verbs, zhuāng, chéng, and tián. Keywords: Mandarin zhuāng, chéng, and tián, Mandarin placement verbs, Lexical Semantics, Conceptual Structure, Semantic Base and Profileen_US
dc.subjectMandarin zhuāng, chéng, and tiánen_US
dc.subjectMandarin placement verbsen_US
dc.subjectLexical Semanticsen_US
dc.subjectConceptual Structureen_US
dc.subjectSemantic Base and Profileen_US
dc.titleA Lexical-Semantic Study of Placement Verbs zhuāng, chéng, and tián in Taiwan Mandarinen_US