標題: 中國大陸生技製藥廠商之分項投入效率評估
Disaggregate Input Efficiency of Biopharmaceutical Firms in Mainland China
作者: 劉宜璋
Hu, Jin-Li
關鍵字: 生技製藥產業;差額變數衡量法;生產效率;分項投入效率;Biopharmaceutical industry;SBM;Production efficiency;Disaggregate input efficiency
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 技產業是深受矚目的明星產業,各國相繼將其列入國家重點發展項目計畫之中。中國大陸約有13億人口,且近年來國家經濟及國民平均所得快速成長,使中國成為極具潛力及重要的市場。本篇研究以資料包絡分析法中的產出導向差額變數衡量法,針對中國大陸61家上市、上櫃生技製藥廠商,先分別計算各年度的整體技術效率、純技術效率以及規模效率,再以投入項差額分析其分項投入效率。總共有一個產出項(營業收入)和四個投入項(研發費用、員工人數、在建工程、固定資產)的變數投入,估計期間為2010-2015年。本研究結果主要實證發現為: (1)中國大陸生技製藥產業的生產無效率主要來自於投入過多資源於生產,即純技術效率無效率,整體而言該產業的生產效率仍有很大的進步空間。 (2)中國大陸生技製藥標竿廠商分別為:深圳中國農大科技股份有限公司、麗珠醫藥集團股份有限公司,雲南白藥集團股份有限公司,杭州天目山藥業股份有限公司。這四家廠商的屬性及產品不盡相同。 (3)中國大陸生技製藥廠商的各項投入效率值及順序不盡相同,廠商可根據各自的各項投入效率的來規劃生產投入的資源分配,並向相同屬性之標竿廠商學習,以提升自身的生產效率。
Biotechnology industry is promising and in the limelight, and many nations made it in the priority list of important development plan. Moreover, Mainlan China has over 1.3 billion population and its economics and per capital income grew rapidly in recent years which make it become a potential and important market. This study applies the input- oriented model of slack-based measure (SBM) to assess the production efficiency of 61 Chinese biopharmaceutical firms with 366 panel data from 2010 to 2015. There are four inputs and one output analyzed in this study. The four inputs are number of employee, R&D expense, construction and fixed assets. And the output is sales revenue. Our major findings are as follows: (1) The excesses in inputs are the major source caused the inefficiency of the biopharmaceutical industry in China; namely, the utilization of production resources is inefficient which leaves a lot to be desired. (2) The four benchmarks are Shenzhen Cau Technology Co., Ltd., Livzon pharmaceutical group Inc., Yunnan Baiyao group Co., Ltd. and Hangzhou Tian-Mu-Shan pharmaceutical enterprise Co., Ltd who have various products. (3) The sources of inefficiency for each biopharmaceutical firm are not the same. Therefore, firms are capable to improve their efficiency specifically by exanimating the efficiency scores of each input variables and learning from the benchmarks.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070353008