標題: 應用實驗設計法改善捲對捲生產模式觸控面板剝膜品質-以G公司為例
Using Design of Experiments to Improve the Strip Quality of the Touch Panel in Roll-To-Roll Production Mode - a Case Study of G Company
作者: 雷鎮瑜
Lei, Chen-Yu
Tong, Lee-Ing
Horng, Ruey-Yun
關鍵字: 觸控面板;捲對捲生產模式;實驗設計;中央混成設計;反應曲面法;剝膜製程;Touch Panel;Roll-to-Roll(RTR) Production Mode;Design of Experiment (DOE);Response Surface Methodology(RSM);Central Composite Design(CCD);STRIP Process
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 觸控技術目前是顯示器的關鍵技術之一,並被廣泛應用在影像顯示相關產品上,為因應產業環境的快速變化,捲對捲(Roll-To-Roll;RTR)觸控生產技術的研發使得產品在材料使用率方面必須比以前更精進,才可大幅減少材料支出成本,同時透過捲對捲技術高效的製程與機構特性,使得企業能同時兼顧生產、品質、成本等各項市場要求。剝膜製程一直是觸控面板生產過程中一個重要的技術站點,然而伴隨著產能提升所對應的提速需求,卻因此容易產生刮傷、氣泡與乾膜殘留等問題,間接造成產品重工與報廢等良率損失,已成為工廠極需解決之難題。綜上,本研究以台灣某觸控面板公司為個案,透過實驗設計法(Design of Experiments;DOE)找出影響觸控面板剝膜製程品質之關鍵因子,並利用反應曲面法(Response Surface Methodology;RSM)之中央混成設計(Central Composite Design;CCD),找到最佳參數水準組合並據此調整理論之參數水準,以降低產品不良率,達到提升良率與產能之目的,本研究最後以個案公司之驗證實驗,說明本研究所找出之參數水準組合確實可有效改善個案公司觸控面板剝膜製程之品質。
Touch technology has been prominent to monitor industry .In recent years it is extensively used in video display-related products. The roll-to-roll technology has been invented. However, when taking the advantage. In order to make profit in the competitive market, the roll-to-roll technique, consideration must be among the production, quality and cost to meet the customer expectation. The taken Stripping process is one important process in touch technology. Although to efficiently use the materials and reduce the cost can raise the capacity, product defects resulted easily from the stripping process. This study utilize a case study to illustrate. To find out the key factors which a affect the quality of stripping process of the touch panel. How to utilize Design of Experiment to find the optimal factor level combination to reduce yield loss rate and raising capacity.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070363302