標題: 郵輪停靠對港口城市的影響-以基隆港為例
The Impact of Cruise Ship on the Port City: a Case Study of Keelung Port
作者: 陳又寧
Chen, You-Ning
Hwang, Ming-Jiu
關鍵字: 郵輪;基隆港;DPSIR模式;因應對策;評估機制;Cruise;Keelung Port;Comprehensive Indicator;DPSIR Framework
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 近年來,郵輪產業發展蓬勃,隨著美洲郵輪市場的飽和,郵輪產業的發展重心正逐步移至亞洲新興市場。2015年,進出台灣旅客人數達到66萬人次,相較於2007年的20萬人次成長了近3倍。大量的郵輪停靠港口城市雖能振興港口城市的經濟並促進觀光發展,但是過多的觀光客也會為港口城市帶來負面的影響,因此延伸出本研究的主要目的:探討郵輪停靠對港口城市的影響。 本研究以DPSIR (Driver-Pressure-State-Impact-Response)模式為基礎,建置郵輪對港口城市的影響指標及因應對策,並以基隆港為例探討指標的可行性。接著提出一套郵輪進港之評估機制,評估港口已有數艘郵輪的情況下是否要再新增其他艘郵輪進港,最後設立郵輪進港之紅綠燈做為判斷之參考依據。
In recent years, the cruise industry is booming. With the saturation of American cruise market, the development focus of the cruise industry is gradually moving to Asia, which is the cruise emerging market. In 2015, there are 660 thousand passengers pass in and out in Taiwan, which has grown three times as in 2007. Although a large number of cruise in Port can revitalize the economy and promote tourism development to the Port City, too many tourists will also have a negative impact on Port City. To investigate the impact of the cruise docking in the Keelung city is the main purpose of this study. The study is based on DPSIR model, and establishes the impact indicator of the cruise ship on the port city and the comprehensive indicator. We use the Keelung Port as an example to explore the feasibility of indicators and propose the impact mechanism of the cruise ship entering the port to analysis the case which there has been several cruises in the port whether adding a new one or not. Finally, the study builds the traffic light as the reference for judgment.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070353217
Appears in Collections:Thesis