Title: 考慮地盤特性之最佳摩擦係數設計公式與多項式摩擦鐘擺支承雙向實驗及理論分析
Optimal Coefficient Friction Design Formulas Considering Characteristics of Different Site and Theoretical Analysis of Polynomial Friction Pendulum Isolator with Bidirectional Experiment
Authors: 陸寶軍
Lu, Bao-Jyun
Keywords: 最佳化設計公式;摩擦消能;PFPI振動台實驗;PFPI雙向分析;Optimal Design Formula;Friction Isolation;Shaking Table Test;Bidirectional Numerical Analysis for PFPI
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 本文分成兩部份,第一部份為考慮地盤特性之摩擦係數設計公式,第二部份為多項式摩擦鐘擺支承振動台實驗以及雙向數值分析之理論。
There are two parts of study in this paper. The first part is about the design formulas for the optimal coefficient of friction which considers the characteristics of different sites. The second part is about the Polynomial Friction Pendulum Isolators, including experiment on the shaking table, and the theory of bidirectional numerical analysis.
The first part aims at the optimal coefficient of friction for the Friction Pendulum System. First of all, the motion equation was transformed into state space equation. Then we could obtain the state space equation in discrete-time system for dynamic analysis. Due to the literature of the optimal coefficient of friction for the FPS being analyzed under white noise, it did not consider the characteristics of different sites in Taiwan, so this paper used 177 records of earthquakes in Taiwan as input. After that, considered the structure system in rigid and non-rigid system with varying structure parameters. And the mean square of absolute structural acceleration had been minimized for obtaining the optimal coefficient of friction. Repeating the optimal process with various structural parameters, the proposed simple design formula was developed by regression of those optimal coefficient of friction from numerical simulations. Finally, we conducted the case analysis to verify the feasibility of the proposed optimal design formulas.
The second part is Polynomial Friction Pendulum Isolators, including experiment on the shaking table, and the theory of numerical analysis in bidirection. According to the literature, when the FPS is subjected to low-frequency seismic wave, the FPS might lost its effectiveness. For this reason, some scholars invented the Polynomial Friction Pendulum Isolators (PFPI) for improving this problem. In order to prove the effectiveness of PFPI, there was an experiment about sliding isolation systems using PFPI and FPS as isolators to compare the PFPI and FPS. The restoring stiffness of PFPI is variable. Due to this, in different position of isolators, PFPI can reduce the structural acceleration or suppress the isolator drift. A lot of analysis about isolation is unidirectional, but the earthquake is not only in one direction, so this paper derived the theory of numerical analysis in bidirection and checked its accuracy by the result of the shaking table tests. Comparing numerical analysis in unidirection and bidirection, the results showed us two things, one thing is that unidirectional simulation can be used to analyze the structural acceleration in particular position of isolators, another thing is that drift of isolators must be analyzed by bidirectional simulation.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070351208
Appears in Collections:Thesis