標題: 國際商務仲裁之緊急仲裁人程序
Emergency Arbitrator Procedure in International Commercial Arbitration
作者: 林誼勳
Lin, Yi-Hsun
Chen, Tsai- Fang
Hsueh, Ching-Wen
關鍵字: 緊急仲裁人程序;緊急仲裁人決定;國際商務仲裁;臨時保全措施;承認執行;Emergency Arbitrator Procedure;Emergency Arbitrator Decision;International Commercial Arbitration;Interim Conservatory Measures;Recognition and Enforcement
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 本文探討者係自2010年來國際仲裁機構於其仲裁規則中加入之緊急仲裁人程序(Emergency Arbitrator Procedure)。緊急仲裁人程序者,係指於仲裁庭組成前,由仲裁機構或當事人選任之緊急仲裁人,依當事人所主張之緊急情況,發給適合之臨時保全措施,以保障於仲裁未決前當事人之利益。本文將從緊急仲裁人程序之緣起以及程序之必要性出發,討論仲裁庭組成前臨時保全措施之需求以及特色,再以國際仲裁機構規則中之緊急仲裁人程序為分析及歸納,進而觀察目前緊急仲裁人程序之制度特色,以及目前制度所面臨之挑戰(主要係緊急仲裁人決定可執行性之問題)。本文亦將基於前開分析,從國際條約、各國仲裁法為出發,探討緊急仲裁人決定於不同層次法律可執行性問題。本文亦將就目前法院受理撤銷緊急仲裁人決定或承認執行緊急仲裁人決定之案例,觀察如於國內仲裁法未有緊急仲裁人程序及其決定時,法院如何透過其他條文及前案,以及解釋方法作成準駁,進而觀察司法實務對於緊急仲裁人程序及決定之態度。本文最後將提出對於我國如欲納入緊急仲裁人程序時,其修法之方向提出建議。
This thesis focuses on the Emergency Arbitrator Procedure which has been introduced by international arbitration institutions since 2010. The Emergency Arbitrator Procedure refers to the mechanism for parties to apply for interim conservative measures in the form of emergency arbitrator decisions from the emergency arbitrator appointed by arbitration institution or parties in dispute. This thesis will start from the origin of the procedure and the necessity for the procedure to discovery the emergency arbitrator procedure in the institution rules and to find the procedural characteristic and the issues therein. The thesis will also conduct a comprehensive research on the status of the emergency arbitrator procedure in the different context of legal authorities including the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration, international treaties, and the national arbitration law, mainly on the issue of the enforceability of emergency arbitrator decisions. The thesis will also discuss on judicial cases in the matter of revoking or recognition of emergency arbitrator decisions in national court to conclude how courts, in the absence of relevant legislation for emergency arbitrator procedure and the decisions, rendering the judgments by referring or interpreting the potentially relevant provisions or precedents to conclude the attitude of courts toward emergency arbitrator procedure. In the end, the thesis will also suggest the possible amendment to Arbitration Law of ROC for the purpose of the inclusion of emergency arbitrator procedure in Taiwan.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070253805
Appears in Collections:Thesis