Title: | 參與企業社會責任活動對消費者選擇汽車之影響 The Effect of Attending Corporate Social Responsibility Activities on Consumer Vehicle Choice |
Authors: | 詹詩敏 任維廉 Chan,Shih-Min 運輸與物流管理學系 |
Keywords: | 企業社會責任;環境意識;許可效應;偏好;選擇;Corporate Social Responsibility;Environmental Concern;Licensing Effect;Preference;Choice |
Issue Date: | 2016 |
Abstract: | 近年來企業發展除了以營利為目的外,向社會展現關懷及支持的態度也成為企業朝向永續發展的目標之一,其中利用企業社會責任(Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR)是一大方法指標,而過去文獻也提出許多有關企業社會責任正向影響企業各方面的結論,如聲望、忠誠度及產品表現等等,其中對於環境所提出的CSR項目中,企業時常呈現讓消費者一同參與的活動,例如淨灘、植樹等等,然而在回顧過去文獻時,其中學者發現消費者在執行會提升自我概念的行為之後,會出現許可效應(Licensing Effect),進而選擇較自我放縱之產品,以此本研究認為是否在消費者參與CSR的過程中,對於「選擇」企業本身所生產的產品可能會出現影響,而其中的影響機制是本研究欲加以探討的部分,本研究探討之產品對象為一般汽油車與油電混合車(Hybrid),所採用的實驗設計為利用不同的CSR活動類型與參與時間點,對消費者進行操弄,讓消費者在選擇之前或之後參與CSR之形式並將活動以捐款及付出勞力兩種類型讓消費者擇一進行,觀察不同情形下所產生的差異,以及在這過程中是否會發生許可效應。在控制組中,實驗中未加入CSR活動,本研究欲直接透過環境意識的測量及選擇車款進行消費者本身對於車款選擇的測試,讓消費者在無CSR操弄下,對選擇車款的偏好進行研究,研究結果顯示對於消費者擁有環境意識高低的程度的確會影響選擇汽車款式的差異,擁有較高環境意識的消費者會偏向選擇購買Hybrid車款;在研究二中加入CSR活動之因素,分為兩種情境,情境一為消費者會在選擇車款後才接受CSR活動的邀請,情境二則是消費者在選擇之前先接受CSR的活動資訊,結果顯示在有加入CSR的情境下,選購車款的不同如本研究預期地會影響參與不同類型的CSR活動,於選擇之後才參與CSR的消費者,選擇Hybrid車款的消費者會有較高的意願參與捐款形式的CSR,反之,選擇一般車款的消費者傾向參與付出時間及體力參與CSR;而在選擇之前參與CSR者,選擇環保車款的消費者顯著少於控制組,因此本研究認為此結果可能與企業當初所設定之目標有不相同之處,而以上述之結果提出管理意涵及後續研究之建議。 For sustainable development, enterprises pursue high profit is not the main purpose, but show their concern and support to the social community in recent years. Using Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), which was proved that it could promote many aspects of enterprises such as prestige, loyalty and product performance, is a major method to attain their goals. One of the projects of CSR is to do something pre-environment activities, such as cleaning beaches, planting trees and so on. However, the researchers found that after people doing activates which can boost a positive self-concept, subsequently licenses the choice of a more self-indulgent option (Licensing Effect). The author proposes that after consumer attending CSR activities, it might have some mechanisms affecting how people "choose". We use conventional vehicles and Hybrid vehicles to explore the answers. Our experimental design was used with two types of CSR activities (donations or pay efforts) and different participation time (before choosing or after choosing) to manipulate participants. In the control condition, the experiment did not use CSR activities, observed participants preference directly. Results showed that participants with higher environmental awareness will more likely choose to buy Hybrid cars. Second study which divided into two scenarios demonstrate how CSR implement time point influence consumers' choices. Scenario 1 is that consumers will accept the invitation CSR activities after selecting vehicle models; the second situation is that consumers will accept the invitation CSR activities before selecting vehicle models. The results show participants who chose Hybrid cars have higher willingness to donate. Conversely, participants who chose conventional vehicles have higher willingness to pay their effort; and before those who chose to participate in CSR, consumers chose Hybrid cars significantly less than the control group. |
URI: | http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070253260 http://hdl.handle.net/11536/139755 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |