標題: 以機械手臂進行仿生構築之流程與工法研究
Investigation of Biomimetic Robotic Construction Process
作者: 鄭基立
Cheng, Chi-Li
Hou, June-Hao
關鍵字: 機械手臂製造;自然材料;仿生構築;機器學習;點雲分析;Robotic fabrication;Natural materials;Biomimetic construction;Machine Learning;Point Cloud analysis
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 本論文以河狸作為仿生研究對象來開發仿生機械手臂構築工法。河狸被喻為生 物建築師,因為牠們搭建的水壩結構穩定且尺寸巨大。河狸水壩由兩個機制形 成構築機制,首先河狸從環境中選取適當的材料,接著這些材料經由水流的外 力促成結構間的自組織行為。在台灣每年颱風或是豪雨過後在河邊與出海口經 常堆積大量漂流木,卻因為不規則的特性難以被利用而被棄置甚至焚毀,對環 境造成再次的破壞。若是有一套工法能幫助設計者利用這些材料並且減少對材 料的加工,這將能夠改善建築對環境的衝擊以及提供設計上更多的可能性。 在實作中,仿生機械手臂構築工法在技術層面採用六軸機械手臂與 3D 攝影 機,讓構築機器人能在複雜的環境中撿拾漂流木。並且經由機器學習的機制使 構築機器人了解材料特性與構築的穩定性的關係,藉此構築機器人能透過選取 適當材料材來促進材料自組裝的機制,達成其就地取材與適應自然材料的構築 能力。
In this thesis, we use beavers as biomimetic objects to develop biomimetic robotic construction process. Beavers are famous as natural architects. The structure of beaver dam is stable and the dimension is large. The mechanism of constructing beaver dam includes two processes. First, beavers select proper woods for construction and use streams to aggregate those woods to be self-assembled. This kind of natural materials is commonly seen in nature. Typhoons and rivers erode trees into mass driftwoods. These driftwoods are difficult to utilize by conventional construction process and are often discarded or burned. Therefore, if we can make good use of these natural materials instead of throwing them away, we can save lots of resources and provide design field with new possibilities. In this Implementation, we use sticks as scaled-down driftwoods. Biomimetic robotic construction process utilizes six degree of freedom robot and 3D camera and improves construction through machine learning. The machine learning mechanism estimates the relation between material properties and structure stability. Thus, the construction robot can select proper sticks for self-assembly by adapting local natural materials.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070359507