標題: 網路社群媒體與通訊軟體於災害情報傳遞之應用
Disaster Information Delivery using Social Media and Internet Communication Software
作者: 何卓澔
Ho, Chuo-Hao
Shan, Hsin-Yu
關鍵字: 防災;災害訊息;社群媒體;通訊軟體;Disaster Prevention;Disaster Information;Social Media;Communications Software
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 災害情報傳遞在災前減災與整備、災時應變及災後復原各階段都扮演著不可或缺的角色。尤其是應變階段所提供的情報資訊,例如警報、警戒、疏散撤離指示關係著政府機關與民眾的即時作為,進而影響損失及傷亡的結果。災害情報傳遞可以利用不同的媒介或工具來傳遞資訊,隨著傳播科技的進步,災害情報的傳遞方式也日新月異。 近年來全球應用於網路及智慧型手持裝置的社群媒體和通訊軟體被廣泛使用,已經成為大眾普及的資訊傳遞管道。災害訊息透過網路社群傳遞災害情報也已經漸漸成為各地政府機構所使用的重要工具之一,藉由新穎科技的社群傳播管道讓更多的民眾接收到災害情報,進而提高災害訊息的傳達接收率。 然而,運用社群媒體和通訊軟體在不同的國家地區可能因使用者的特性與行為等等而有所不同,本研究將透過樣本調查問卷與統計分析初步了解我國目前社群通訊軟體使用者在災害訊息接收方面的習慣與認知程度,再進一步檢測探討使用者在某些特性上是否會對網路社群媒體和通訊軟體中接收災害訊息的認知產生影響,對於研究結果期望可以對我國未來防救災資訊的傳達具有更好的對象分類性及針對性,能從中進行相關的災害訊息設計或管理流程之研究,在整體傳達率能更向上提升。
The transmission or delivery of disaster information plays an indispensable role throughout the various stages of emergency management; that is, mitigation and preparedness before the disaster, disaster response and post-disaster recovery. The disaster information such as alert, warning, or evacuation order, is especially critical for disaster response. However, not only can various modes of media and mechanisms be used to deliver disaster information, the media and mechanisms evolve rapidly as a result of the development of the information and communication technology. In recent years, the internet social media and communications software are widely used in smart handheld devices. It has become a popular public information spreading pipeline. Disaster information delivered through the internet social network has gradually become an important tool for the government agencies. It provides a greater number of citizens with up to date vital information. However, how internet social media and communications software is being utilized may vary from country to country based on user characteristics and habits. The research presented here will use sample surveys and statistical analysis to look at Taiwan’s current user habits and degree of recognition of the disaster information received via social media and communication software. The paper then further investigates whether or not certain characteristics of the user affect the individual’s perception of the disaster information received over the Internet social media and communication software. The expectation of the research results seeks to bring about a better classification and targeting of disaster prevention and rescue information and conveyance modes, and, furthermore, to research related design and management processes of disaster messages. Hopefully, it can improve the overall rate of information transmission and reception in the future.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070351288
Appears in Collections:Thesis