標題: 校園資訊服務系統化設計方法 - 以A大學為例
A Systematic Design Method of IT Service for Campuses
作者: 高義智
Kao, Yi-Chih
Chang, Yung-Chia
關鍵字: 三維資訊服務設計;自攜設備服務管理;軟體定義網路;網路安全;Three-DimensionalIT Service Design;BYOD Service Management;Software-Defined Networking;Network Security
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 有鑑於大學資訊人員之資訊服務設計能力普遍不足。資訊服務設計能力多來自過去經驗之累積、資深人員之傳承或仰賴系統整合廠商之協助。在過去的服務設計相關文獻中,萃思法(TRIZ)、品質機能展開法及藍圖法都曾被探討與應用於改善服務品質,但在資訊服務的設計上,資訊人員較難依過去之範本套用。本研究從資訊服務鏈觀點提出三維資訊服務設計方法,將理論方法透過六個步驟轉為實務上可被執行的準則。資訊人員在設計資訊服務時,可以依循本研究所提出之方法,考量組織之經營面、管理面,並透過量化分析以決定最佳之服務設計方案。在服務提供前,組織管理代表審核服務之內容並訂定該服務之品質標準。服務提供過程需透明,並提供使用者一個與服務團隊互動溝通之平台,服務人員必須對使用者所提出之服務請求或服務障礙謹慎處理及進行追蹤統計,每年進行使用者服務滿意度調查,以做為服務品質持續改善之參考及依據。 A大學運用本研究所提出之三維資訊服務設計方法,自行開發應用軟體改善校園骨幹網路服務之穩定性、調整無線網路自攜設備服務流程簡化使用者身份認證便利性、及運用軟體定義網路技術建置招待所有線及無線網路服務。重新設計這三項資訊服務,不但為A大學省下大筆軟硬體設備採購費用,A大學也藉此建置完善之資訊服務架構及服務追蹤機制,提升資訊中心人員之資訊服務設計能力。本研究所提出之方法,已在A大學驗證其效益與可行性。三維資訊服務設計方法,未來在其他服務領域之應用,是本研究未來尚可努力之方向。
The inadequacy of IT service design capabilities of university IT staff is commonly observed. IT service design capabilityeither comes from experience, or is passed down from veteran IT staff or relies on the assistance from system integration providers. In previous literature related to service design, Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ), Quality Function Deployment (QFD), and service blueprint methods have all been used in investigations for improving service quality. However in IT service design, IT staff has found it difficult to follow on existing templates. This study adopted a perspective of IT service chain to provide a three-dimensional IT service design method, and took a theoretical method and six steps to come up with an implementable standard. When designing IT services, IT staff can follow the method proposed by this study, and decide on the optimal service design using quantitative analysis after considering the operational and managerial requirements. Before providing the service, management representatives from the organization should audit the service contents and set up corresponding quality standards. The delivery process needs to be transparent and provides the user with a platform for interactive communication with the service team. Service staff must carefully process the user's service requests or problems and track statistical information. User satisfaction survey should be conducted every year as reference for the continuous improvement of the service quality. University A used the three-dimensional design method proposed by this study and self-developed software-defined networking (SDN) basedapplication software, improved the stability of the backbone network service of the campus, to simplify the process for user identification to access wireless network service, and used SDN technology to establish the wired and wireless network service of the hostels. Redesigning the three IT services, not only saves university A great deal of expenses on software and hardware equipment, but also allows university A to establish a complete IT service framework and service tracking mechanism, and enhances the design capabilities of its IT staff. The benefits and feasibility of the method proposed herein has already been verified by university A. The use of the three-dimensional IT service design method in other service fields is an area that is worth pursuing in future studies.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT079933804
Appears in Collections:Thesis