Title: | 臺灣公司投資東協國家的意義,影響與挑戰 Implications, Impact and Challenges for Taiwan Companies’ investing in ASEAN |
Authors: | 劉祖同 俞明德 Liu, Zutong Yu, Min-Teh 財務金融研究所 |
Keywords: | 中國大陸;臺灣企業;東協;對外直接投資;新南向政策;Mainland China;Taiwan companies;ASEAN;Foreign Direct Investment;New Southbound Policy |
Issue Date: | 2017 |
Abstract: | 臺灣作為一個外向型的經濟體,對外投資一直都是臺灣非常重要的經濟成長來源。從1989年開始,台商逐漸進入大陸和東協,風雲變幻的接近三十年,台商對於兩個地區的投資在兩岸,國際的政治經濟大環境的干擾下起起伏伏。曾經的中國大陸是以低廉的成本的國際工廠形象來吸引臺上的投資,最近幾年,隨著中國大陸轉為世界市場,生產成本的提升和經濟成長的放緩,使得臺灣企業開始追逐新的生產基地以及開拓新的市場。而當初台商因為不穩定的投資環境而離開的東協,如今不僅具有穩定的投資環境,還憑藉著它低廉的生產成本和越來越大的市場,以及貿易投資自由化和便利化的推動,開始逐漸吸引台商投資。特別是蔡英文在2015年提出的新南向政策,則再次將投資東協作為臺灣非常重要的一項政策。 不過,對於臺灣企業來說,去東協的投資依舊面臨很多難題和挑戰,我們在文章裡回顧了近30年台商投資東協和大陸的歷史找到驅動台商之動力,也分析了包括大陸和東協11個經濟體的現在的投資環境,成本和市場的情況,以提供給台商一些意見和建議作為參考。其次,我們認為在穩定的兩岸關係下,對於東協的投資對於臺灣的經濟和國際地位提升基本上是有正面助益的,不過也有一些隱憂。最後對於新南向政策的實施,最需要提防的是將操作為反中,西進南向二選一或者完全演變為政治戰略。而我們認為影響新南向政策成敗的最重要的因素仍舊是兩岸關係,基於中國大陸對於新南向政策的解讀和民共兩黨的兩岸關係走向。但從基本面說,我們認為新南向政策不同于南向政策,其順應了時代的潮流,可以深化臺灣和東協的經濟關係,一定程度減小對大陸的經濟依賴,但是臺灣並無法完全消除這種依賴,因為不僅東協的經濟對於中國大陸有著非常深的依賴,同時中國大陸也是現在全世界的經濟引擎。 With mainland China transforming from the world factory to the world market, some Taiwan companies have to abandon their business in mainland China with the increasing cost. While ASEAN has attracted many Taiwan companies’ attention because of lower labor cost and increasing market. New Southbound Policy, following the economic trends, proposed by DPP administration in 2015, whose objectives are to offer another investing options to Taiwan companies, diversify the dependence on one market-mainland China to reduce the economic and political risks by encouraging Taiwan companies to invest in ASEAN and to deepen the foreign relations with ASEAN by investment, trade, cultural exchanges and development assistance. However, in this circumstance, there are still some challenges for Taiwan companies to invest in ASEAN, so we review the history and a few milestones of Taiwan ODI to ASEAN and mainland China, and find that Taiwan companies just follow the business logic but not the political slogans and policies. We continue to carry on the comparative analysis on the investment climate, costs and markets by location in order to assist different Taiwan companies to choose the most attractive investment location in ASEAN and mainland China and offer some advice on the development and management strategies in ASEAN to Taiwan companies. Furthermore, we put forward the implications and impacts on Taiwan’s economy and foreign policies for Taiwan companies’ investing in ASEAN and some recommendations on the feasibility assessment and rational promotion of New Southbound Policy so as to promote economic and diplomatic development of Taiwan. |
URI: | http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070253943 http://hdl.handle.net/11536/140215 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |