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dc.contributor.authorTan, Hsien_US
dc.contributor.authorLi, Ming-Chinen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究旨在了解家庭成員經歷重要他人暴力性死亡(墜樓身亡)之悲傷經驗、家庭互動之改變及其悲傷調適歷程。採取質性研究取向,以深度訪談法進行資料蒐集,並以現象學的分析方法,呈現家庭成員經歷暴力性喪親經驗的本質與意義。研究結果如下: 一、 家庭成員的悲傷反應特徵:首先「震撼期」為「震驚」、「難以置信」與「無助感」。其次「抵抗期」為「想了解死亡事實」和「困惑」。接著「風暴期」為「自責」、「愧疚」、「來不及了」、「失眠」,以及「心不在焉」。最後「趨緩期」為「保持餘力照顧家人」和「懨懨然的交際狀態」。 二、 影響家庭成員悲傷歷程的因素為:社會建構下對墜樓的理解與評價、告別的準備、情緒阻礙、幫助性支持的介入、與逝者的密切關係、逝者在家庭成員心中的角色、家庭成員間的羈絆等七項核心主題。 三、 暴力性喪親家庭的互動改變為:暴力性喪親家庭面對逝者的態度、暴力性死亡削弱家庭能量、暴力性喪親家庭的權力變化、生活模式、行動模式轉折,及關係變化等六部分,據此勾勒出暴力性喪親家庭之動力經驗,因不同的家庭事件和家庭成員各自心理位移之結果,促成暴力性喪親家庭之動力轉變。 四、 家庭成員的悲傷調適歷程為:曾經擁有的人生態度、確認關係失落、探查死亡真相、心中世界的動盪、抑鬱療心、擱置容納、重拾重心、悲傷轉化後的體悟與行動等八部份,據此勾勒暴力出暴力性喪親家庭的悲傷調適歷程。 最後,根據研究結果與綜合討論,對於未來專業助人工作者和相關研究提出建議。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe research aims at exploring the grief experiences, changes of family interaction, and processes of grief adjustment among family members bereaved by violent (fall) death. The study is a qualitative approach; the data was collected from in-depth interview, phenomenology paradigm to probe into understanding of the essence and meaning of family members bereaved by violent death. The research results are as follows: 1. Grief reactions of family members bereaved are discovered: First, it shows the period of convulsed, including shock, disbelief, and helplessness. Second, it indicates the period of defense; that is, the family wanted to know the fact of death and felt confusion about the truth. Third, it reveals the period of storm, involving self-balming, guilty, too late to regret, insomnia, and vacancy. The last one is the period of calm, it shows that family members keep strength to take care of families and don’t have enough strength to socialize. 2. The influences of grief experience processes by family members are divided into seven factors: Public perception of fall death, preparation for family death, impediment to feelings, helpful support to intervene, closer relationship with the dead, the dead’s role in the family, and the relationship among each family members bereaved. 3. The changes of bereavement family interaction by violent death were divided into six: bereaved family face the dead, violent death wears down the capacity of the bereaved family, the changes of the bereaved family power, life model, and the transition to action. The different family events and the results of psychological displacement by each family members bereaved lead to the dynamic of bereaved family. 4. The processes of grief adjustment among bereaved family by violent death are based on the following eight parts: once owned life attitudes, confirming the loss of the relationship, searching for the truth of death, unsettling of the minds, restoring their gloomy minds, neglecting gloomy minds and confusions not to tolerate it, finding the focus of life and relationship to the dead again, and turning the sorrow into insight and acting. According to the results and discussions, researcher provides suggestions for the future helpers and related research.en_US
dc.subjectviolent deathen_US
dc.subjectfall deathen_US
dc.subjectgrief experienceen_US
dc.subjectprocesses of grief adjustmenten_US
dc.title措手不及的永別時刻: 家庭經歷家人墜樓身亡之悲傷經驗及調適歷程探討zh_TW
dc.titleA Study of the experiences and processes of grief adjustment among family members bereaved by fall deathen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis