標題: 大學生經歷失落事件的悲傷迷思、因應行為與至今復原程度之關聯性研究
The Correlative Study of Grief Misconception, Coping Behaviors and Recovery Degree of Undergraduate Students with Losses in Their Lives
作者: 聶慧文
Hui-Wen Nieh
Tzu-Wei Fang
關鍵字: 悲傷迷思;因應行為;至今復原程度;複雜性悲傷;失落;grief misconception;coping behaviors;recovery degree;complicated grief;loss
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 本研究旨在瞭解經歷過生命失落事件的大學生其悲傷迷思、因應行為與至今復原程度情形,並探討在悲傷的復原歷程中,哪些因素對至今復原程度最具影響力。本研究以「悲傷迷思量表」、「因應行為量表」與「至今復原程度量表」為測量工具,採群集抽樣,分別抽出北、中、南共12所大學,其中包含公、私立大學各6所,總共蒐集有效樣本931份。經由統計分析,可以發現以下之結果:(1)逝者的死亡不在預期內者,在悲傷迷思分量表「遷怒他人與自責」、「遺憾後悔」與「讓時間治療一切」的得分顯著高於預期內死亡者;(2)在因應行為方面,男性在「物質的使用」的使用頻率上顯著高於女性;女性在「對逝者正向的因應」、「積極重釋」、「尋求他人支持」、「直接宣洩情緒」的使用頻率上都顯著高於男性;高悲傷迷思組在因應行為七個分量表上的使用頻率均顯著高於低悲傷迷思組(3)在至今復原程度方面,女性在「失去正常生活機能」的得分顯著高於男性;低悲傷迷思組在「重獲意義與掌控力」、「仍有生理情緒反應」、「失去正常生活機能」、「強烈思念逝者」、「接受事實」、「情緒趨於緩和」等分量表的分數上均顯著高於高悲傷迷思組;(4)大學生最常使用的因應行為與知覺到最有效的因應方式皆為「積極重釋」與「對逝者正向的因應」;(5)在影響因素的預測力分析部分,受試者「與逝者親密的程度」最能預測其悲傷迷思程度與復原困難程度;「支持系統強度」最能預測因應行為的使用頻率;「悲傷被接受程度」則對正向復原程度具最佳預測力;(6)在悲傷迷思對因應行為的預測力分析部分,「藉忙碌逃避」的悲傷迷思可以高度預測個體使用「轉移注意力」的因應行為;「遺憾後悔」的悲傷迷思可以高度預測個體「對逝者正向的因應」;「應該壓抑情感」的悲傷迷思則同時對「積極重釋」、「尋求他人支持」與「尋求心靈支持」三種因應行為都具有顯著的預測力;最能預測「物質的使用」與「直接宣洩情緒」此兩個負面因應方式的悲傷迷思,則都是「遷怒他人與自責」;(7)在悲傷迷思對至今復原程度的預測力分析部分,悲傷迷思中的「遷怒他人與自責」最能預測正、負向復原程度;悲傷迷思中的「應該壓抑情感」亦最能預測正向復原程度;(8)在因應行為對至今復原程度的預測力分析部分,研究結果發現整體而言「情緒焦點」的因應行為(如積極重釋、尋求心靈支持以及對逝者正向的因應)對悲傷的復原是有利的,個體越常使用這些因應策略,其悲傷復原程度越佳。最後研究者依據研究結果,分別提出若干建議以供未來研究者參考。
The purpose of this study is to investigate the grief misconceptions, coping behaviors and recovery degrees of the university students who have ever experienced someone’s death. And discuss what factors have much powerful influences during the recovery period. This study adopts the method of cluster sampling to collect data. The questionnaire is divided to 3 parts. (a) Grief misconception Scale. (b) Coping behavior Scale. (c)Recovery degree Scale. The statistical analysis based on 931 effective questionnaires from 12 universities . Eight results were summarized in below:(a)As the someone’s death is not expected, the score of "venting anger to others and rebuking oneself "," regret " and "letting time treat all " in Grief misconception Scale is higher than as the death is expected.(b)The frequency of male smoke and drink is higher than female;but frequency of female in "positive coping of the person passing away","positive reinterpretation" ,"seeking of social support " and "venting of emotions" is higher than male significant . The frequency of high grief misconception is higher than low grief misconception in 7 coping behavior scale. (c)Female score higher than male in the item about losing the normal life function;low grief misconception groups get higher scale grades than high grief misconception groups significant in the items about "recover meaning and master ","still having physiological emotion reaction "," losing regular life function"," missing the death person"," believe actuality" and " alleviating gradually in emotion" .(d)Coping behaviors which the university student most use and the most effective coping mode are positive reinterpretation and positive coping of the person passing away.(e)The close degree with the death person will affect one’s grief misconception and recovery degree;the support system will affect one’s coping behaviors ;grief be accepted most can affectt in positive recovery degree.(f)Make use of busy to escape can predict individual use divert attention; regretful and remorseful can predict individual use positive coping of the person passing away; should inhibit emotion can predict individual use positive reinterpretation, seeking of social support and seeking of soul support simultaneously; transfer anger to others and blame self can predict individual use smoke and drink and venting of emotions simultaneously.(g)Transfer anger to others and blame self can affectt in positive and negative recovery degree; should inhibit the emotion can predict positive recovery degree.(h)Emotion-focused coping will be beneficial to grief recovery.


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