Title: 價值驅動的建築策略
Value-driven Architectural Strategy
Authors: 黃順奇
Keywords: 服務設計;策略;使用者經驗;商業模式;ux;user;Business canvas model
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 策略源自於想要創造的價值,價值在設計過程裡所扮演的角色,主要在幫助思考設計的時候能夠聚焦在想要創造的事物與關係上;在以硬體設計為導向的建築領域中,借助商業策略的思考工具來幫助價值的設計發展,第一階段討論從使用者經驗的角度在建築設計中創造價值,第二階段在個體與群體之間的「連結」進行價值創造,第三階段將尺度放大到全面性的價值系統思考,使用商業模式草圖來建構空間中的硬體與軟體。並從使用者經驗相關的議題整理出的總論,提出未來設計的價值創造可從商業模式參考。
We make strategy from what value we want to do in design. The character of value in design procedure is helping designer to focus on what we want to create.Architecture is a hardware-oriented design. The thesis is to discuss user interaction with architecture by studying user behavior and analyze it with design thinking tool.To understand the value between the user and context ,and coordinate user data with service design. Finally, to design a hotel with business and services intention.In conclusion ,this study is about finding feasibility to connect the user behavior of architecture from the existing business model.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070159518
Appears in Collections:Thesis