Title: 太陽能發電系統產業經營關鍵成功因素之研究
A Study on Key Success Factors of Operations of the Solar Power System Industry
Authors: 黃俊誠
Huang, Chun-Cheng
Chiang, Chi
Keywords: 層級分析法;太陽能發電系統;關鍵成功因素;analytic hierarchy process(AHP);solar power system;key success factors(KSF)
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 綜觀近年來全球的太陽能產業的發展,不論在技術層面或是裝置容量上均持續呈現大規模成長;而台灣的太陽能產業發展,近年來在中游零組件產業領域(太陽能電池片)的生產規模已經在世界上占有一席之地;然而在太陽能發電系統產業領域的發展則相對較晚。 太陽能發電系統產業是太陽能產業的終端需求所在;太陽能產業在面對未來的發展與競爭時,業者如何能夠在發電系統領域的發展也能與時俱進,拓展終端市場的經營,對於未來整個產業的長遠永續發展非常的重要。 本研究主要將探討「太陽能發電系統產業經營關鍵成功因素」,研究的進行是先透過文獻探討及專家調查的方式,建構出與太陽能發電系統產業經營相關因素之層級架構包含六項評估構面以及二十九項評估要素,再採用AHP層級分析法進行調查研究,彙整出太陽能發電系統產業業者在經營上有那些需要特別注意的關鍵成功因素。 依本研究結果顯示,在「太陽能發電系統產業經營因素」中,有兩項評估構面與十項評估要素的重要性較為顯著。較顯著的評估構面包含「生產要素」與「技術發展」。較顯著的評估要素包含「工程執行掌控能力」、「成本管控能力」、「產品研發創新能力」、「品質管控系統」、「產品品質與可靠度」、「市場掌控能力」、「市場未來發展性預測能力」、「產業技術整合能力」、「足夠的生產經驗」、「關鍵技術、零組件與專利掌握」,以上項目即可視為是本研究主題的關鍵成功因素;期望本研究結果可作為太陽能發電系統產業業者經營參考。
In recent years, the global solar industry shows blooming growth in the technical level as well as its installation capacity. Taiwan's solar industry takes an important part in the world in the field of midstream components (solar cells) while the development of solar power systems is relatively low. The demand of the terminal solar market comes from the solar power system. To make the sustainable development in this industry, the capability of research & development and also the market expansion in the field of solar power systems appears more important in this highly competitive market. This study focuses on the key success factors of the solar power system industry. Literature review and expert investigation are carried out gradually to build up a hierarchical structure of the solar power system operating factors in this industry. We then use the AHP method for further investigation. Finally, we summarize the key success factors that solar power system companies need to take special attention in operation. According to the results of this study, there are two assessment dimensions and ten evaluation factors which are more significant for "the solar power system industry operation". The significant assessment dimensions include "operations" and "technology development". The significant assessment factors include "project execution ability", "cost control ability", "product development and innovation ability", "quality control system", "product quality and reliability", "market control ability", "future market forecasting ability", "industrial technology integration ability", "sufficient experience", "holding the key technologies, components and patents". These above items can be considered as the key success factors in this study. We can conclude that the results of this study can be provided to the solar power system companies as a reference in operation.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070063108
Appears in Collections:Thesis