Title: S航空公司關鍵成功因素之分析
An Analysis of Key Success Factors of S Airlines
Authors: 吳承宗
Wu, Cheng-Tzung
Feng, Cheng-Min
Chen, Jeng-Nan
Keywords: 航空公司;關鍵成功因素;層級分析法;灰關聯分析;Airlines;Key success factors;Analytical hierarchy process;Gray relational analysis
Issue Date: 2008
Abstract: S航空公司自成立以來,不僅年年創造盈餘,相較於航空業的其他競爭者是高獲利率的航空公司,而且獲得無數獎項。本研究目的是分析S航空公司在高度競爭的航空業中,如何能增加營收同時有效的控制成本,藉由探討S航空公司於市場行銷、服務品質與成本控制三個構面所採取的管理措施,以歸納出S航空公司經營關鍵成功因素。並且根據研究結果,可提供我國航空公司之經營管理階層之參考。

S Airlines is a high profitable airline, not only create a surplus every year but also received numerous awards compared to other competitors in the aviation industry. S Airlines has an excellent performance by its stratgical in marketing, service quality, cost control, financial and operational, etc.

The main motivation of this study is to analyze the competitive advantage of S Airlines and how to be a success in the highly competitive airline industry. The purpose of this study is to explore S Airlines key success factor (KSF) through literature review in three diamensions of marketing, service quality and cost control.

In this study, the way is to collect the relevant information of S Airlines’ core competencies from the management and operation over the years. With the questionnaire to the managerial level and senior staffs of Taiwan branch of S Airlines, extract KSF through Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), on the other hand, analyze the gray relational grade of operating profit and other factors affect the operating performance obtained by Gray Relational Analysis (GRA).

The results of this study show that crisis management is one of the most important factors in their strategy. Through AHP analysis, S Airlines’ KSF were: Crisis management, products innovation, aircraft utilization improvement, on time commitments, personal care with special handling, young fleets, brand reputation, safety, ground handling operation simplification, business trip sectors’ penetration, aviation strategic alliances and staff productivity enhencement. Finally, this study is to highlight important and feasible management strategy and provide the findings to the managements of the Airlines in Taiwan.
Appears in Collections:Thesis