Title: 自動駕駛關鍵技術之專利研究
The Patent Study of Key Technologies Applied to Automotive Driving
Authors: 陳志承
Chen, Chih-Cheng
Yuan, Benjamin J.C.
Chao, Tien-Sheng
Keywords: 專利分析;自動駕駛;車對車通訊;自動煞車;巡航控制;車用影像感測器;Patent Analysis;Automotive Driving;V2V Communication;Automatic Brakes;Cruise Control;Vehicle Image Sensor
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 在全球自動駕駛產業正處於加速成長的發展趨勢下,本研究認為這是台灣ICT產業在傳統個人電腦、筆記型電腦及智慧行動裝置等硬體逐漸式微下的另一個主戰場,相關業者可藉由過往在消費性電子所累積的研發優勢,在這波全球產業典範移轉的浪潮之中掌握時機。本研究透過專利分析探究應用於自動駕駛方面現階段專利數相對較多的主要關鍵技術,包括自動駕駛、車對車通訊、自動煞車、巡航控制及車用影像感測器領域之全球主要供應商布局現況,檢索工具採WIPS Global專利資料庫查詢美國專利資料庫,透過專利地圖去擘劃未來發展趨勢,希冀找到適當技術切入點提供後進廠商作為參考。由專利分析結果看到科技公司相較於汽車製造商在車對車通訊、自動煞車以及車用影像感測器領域近十五年來具有顯著的專利成果,因此本研究認為科技公司欲跨足自動駕駛產業供應鏈時,可結合自身在通訊晶片及影像感測器晶片等領域的研發優勢延伸產品線應用,從車對車通訊、自動煞車及車用影像感測器領域切入進行專利布局。本研究建議後續相關研究在聚焦自動駕駛專利技術發展的同時,亦能持續關注4G及未來5G網路基礎設施的完善程度與各國在自動駕駛相關法規能否與時俱進,預期這兩者將直接影響自動駕駛車輛後續量產問世時程。
This study notes new growth opportunities for Taiwan’s ICT industry while automotive driving is under significant development. Meanwhile the traditional PC market has gradually declined. Now automobile industry is going through a global paradigm shifting and it is right timing for Taiwan’s ICT industry to use previous R&D strengths in this filed. This study used WIPS Global patent database to analyze USPTO’s patents of key technologies applied to automotive driving including automotive driving, V2V communication, automatic brakes, cruise control and vehicle image sensor. The purpose of this study is to advise newcomers how to entry via patent map that can understand current situation of those major suppliers and plan the further developing trend. The result showed technology companies have more patents in V2V communication, automatic brakes and vehicle image sensor during the past fifteen years. This study considers that technology companies can take R&D advantage of wireless chip and image sensor chip for future patent deployment of V2V communication, automatic brakes and vehicle image sensor. This study suggests that the further studies related to patent development in automotive driving can also pay attention to the following key success factors in mass production schedule including the developing status of 4G and 5G wireless network infrastructure and regulations of automotive driving in each country.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070252915
Appears in Collections:Thesis