標題: 古典軌跡蒙地卡羅方法探討強雷射場下的氫原子系統與低能量光譜
Classical Trajectory Monte Carlo Method Study of Hydrogen Dynamics and Low Energy Structure under Intense Laser Pulse
作者: 林冠華
Lin, Guan-Hua
Jiang, Tsin-Fu
關鍵字: 低能量光譜;高次諧波;古典軌跡蒙地卡羅;Low Energy Structure;high order harmonic generation;Classical Trajectory Monte Carlo
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 在這篇論文中我們利用古典氫原子模型來探討強雷射場下的原子系統,分為兩個方向來做討論,第一是對電子軌跡所產生的高次諧波作討論,第二是對光電子的低能量結構給出解釋,結論是因為電子通過原子核時動量趨近於零,易受庫倫位能影響而產生能量的增減使光譜聚束。
In this thesis,we use Classcial Trajectory Monte Carlo Method to study the hydrogen dynamics , we divided the discussion into two parts, First ,the high order harmonic generation of the hydrogen atom ; second, the low energy structure peak.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070352726
Appears in Collections:Thesis