標題: 開放性蟲洞的特性
Properties of some wormholes for interuniversal travel
作者: 林鈺城
Lin, Yu-Cheng
Kao, W.F.
關鍵字: 蟲洞;能量條件;愛因斯坦方程式;wormhole;energy condition;Einstein equation
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 理論上,由負能量、不穩定物質組成的蟲洞,需要特殊的物質結構。這篇論文的動機,就是希望透過特殊的透視方式,確認這些物質的結構和特性。低一維的蟲洞可以看成一種被置入高維時空的表面結構,本文試圖將特殊的開放型蟲洞,置入高一維的時空中,進而從低維表面時空的角度來分析我們可以看到的各種特性。從一個低維表面時空的度規張量,就可以透過愛因斯坦方程式擷取蟲洞的能動張量,從而分析蟲洞結構的物理和能量特性,和測試粒子在這個蟲洞上運動的種種物理現象。我們將討論的蟲洞結構截面,是類似拋物線這一類的曲面,因此這類蟲洞可以連結平行宇宙的不同區域。
Theoretically, wormholes composed of negative energy and unstable material, require special material structures. The motivation of this paper is to identify the structure and properties of these substances through a special perspective. The low-dimensional wormholes can be seen as a surface structure that is placed in a high-dimensional space-time. In this paper, we try to introduce the special open wormhole into the high-dimensional space-time, and then analyze the low-dimensional surface space. We can see the various characteristic. From a low-dimensional surface space-time metric tensor, we can extract the dynamical tensor of the wormhole through Einstein's equation, analyze the physical and energy characteristics of the wormhole structure, and the test particle in the wormhole movement Physical phenomena. We will discuss the wormhole structure section, is similar to the parabolic this type of surface, so this wormhole can be linked to parallel different regions of the universe.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070252707