標題: 遊戲任務與挑戰元素對 玩家經驗需求滿足度的探索 - 以英雄聯盟為例
Exploring quests and challenges in the perspective of Player Experience of Need Satisfaction – League of Legends
作者: 林冠宇
關鍵字: 玩家經驗需求滿足度;任務;挑戰;英雄聯盟;遊戲平衡;玩家經驗;PENS;quest;challenge;game balancing;MOBA games;Player Experience
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 任務與挑戰作為現今電玩遊戲的重要元素,其所肩負的責任不僅是傳遞故事、訊息。更重要的,其代表玩家在遊戲中可執行的活動,活動的差異也代表玩家與玩家、遊戲間不同的互動,此些互動也造就了玩家間不同的體驗 ; 而挑戰,為組成任務的最小要件,挑戰的安排與設計,同時也影響到玩家遊玩任務後的經驗。任務與挑戰,其兩者關係對於整體電玩遊戲來說,至為重要。 本研究爬梳過往電玩遊戲中,有關任務與挑戰的相關研究,釐清兩者之間的關係。為避免僅在遊戲面上探討,玩家的因素亦被考量在內,玩家經驗需求滿足度 (Player Experience of Need Satisfaction, PENS) 加入本研究中,以玩家經驗 (Play Experience,PX) 的角度,來看任務與挑戰,避免僅在遊戲面上探討。研究過程共分三個階段,分別以KJ法、問卷法、深度訪談,量化與質化並用,希冀能深入了解玩家、任務、挑戰,三者之關係 ; 研究中所使用的遊戲,為現今風靡全球之遊戲英雄聯盟,透過現今學界以PENS分析英雄聯盟的基礎上,執行本次研究。 研究結果顯示,在MOBA遊戲類型中,任務是屬於遊戲平衡的一環。遊戲最核心的基礎,為各團隊角色的能力平衡,一旦團隊角色的能力確立後,也同時確立後續任務的設計。此外,不同的團隊角色,因其能力的不同,最終在玩家經驗需求的滿足程度,亦呈現不同的結果。 而在挑戰方面,本研究發現儘管不同團隊角色擁有不同的任務類型,但在同樣的任務類型中,挑戰的運用具有相似性,而不會因為團隊角色不同而有差異。
As the crucial role in modern video and computer games, quests and challenges not only provide function of telling story but serving opportunity of interaction which across players and game itself. The basic components of quests, the arrangement and design of challenges influences quests directly. In other words, quests and challenges both play the important part of whole experience in playing games. This study reviewed past researches about quests and challenges in games, aiming to realize the relation between them. Also, the players’ perspective is also included in this study. Player Experience of Need Satisfaction (PENS) is applied to analyze quests and challenges, avoiding only viewing them in a single way. There are three research methods in this research, KJ, questionnaire and personal interview, in order to clarify the relation between players, quests and challenges. League of Legends (LoL) was the game used in this study and all past related studies were also included as the views to the outcomes. The outcomes implied that the ability of every characters was the core element in game balancing, it formed different quests directly in MOBA game. The ability of character and quest were both the part of game balancing. However, the arrangement of challenges had the similar pattern in same type of quests across all game characters.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070359109
Appears in Collections:Thesis