Title: 工程變更管理流程改善-以D公司為例
Process improvement of the Engineering Change system
Authors: 游澤涵
Yu, Zen-Hen
Chang, Yung-Chia
Keywords: 工程變更;Engineering change
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 現今市場變化快速,使得產品生命週期為之縮短,為在市場上取得先機,本研究針對D公司之工程變更流程進行改善,期望提升流程效率。改善措施為減少流程中簽核人員數,以及優化整體工程變更流程。蒐集實施後的兩個月的數據,並加以分析,整體工程變更簽核時間有明顯的降低,達到約50%的降幅,而層別分析各階段時間,平均約有15%的降幅。 整體工程變更的時效有大幅的改善,而各階段雖有小幅改善,但未來可藉由相關資料庫的建立,使得工程變更的產生更具有合理性,以降低不必要的工程變更件數產生;人員意識的加強,使得工程變更過程更為快速、謹慎;系統介面優化,更趨於人性化設計,以及自動連結功能的強化,使得工程變更在電子系統開立的過程中,可更為快速、有效。
Nowadays, product life cycle has no choice but have to be shorten because the rapid changes in the market. In this research, the process improvement of the engineering change system was studied to expect to increase system efficiency by simplifying the auditors of engineering change electronic countersign system and improving the overall engineering change workflow. To collect and analyzed the data for two months. The overall engineering changes approval time decreases signicantly to about 50%. To stratify the timing of each stage, there’s average of about 15% decline. To establish the relevant database can make the engineering change become more reasonable in the future. The improvement of personnel awareness, makes the engineering change more quickly and cautiously, system interface become user-friendly, as well as automatic link function enhancement, making engineering changes in the process of developing the electronic system can be more rapid and effective.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070463304
Appears in Collections:Thesis