Title: 使用者資訊尋求動機與網路懶人包類型對資訊行為意向關聯性研究
Aggregated Information: Approaching Information-seeking Motivations, Communicative Styles and Behavior-intention.
Authors: 林汶萱
Lin, Wen-Hsuan
Lee, Jim-Jiunde
Keywords: 懶人包;說服設計;動機;資訊尋求;Aggregated information;Persuasive design;Motivations;Information-seeking
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 本研究主要關注近年來網路懶人包的現象,為了瞭解懶人包類型的傳播效果,本研究採用Fogg說服行為模型作為研究基礎架構,提升使用者動機可以提高執行行動的機會,經由懶人包引發使用者的資訊分享行為意向。
This study centered on the aggregated information and explored elements of aggregated information for persuasive design, with the purpose of understanding in-depth persuasion, based on Fogg's behavior model.
At First, expert assessment was applied to filter out three communicative styles of the aggregated information, as three different contexts for online experimental conditions. Secondly, the online experiment was adopted to investigate the relationships among user’s motivations of information-seeking, communicative styles of aggregated information and persuasive effects on users' behavior intention.
The result showed that persuasion effects differed in communicative styles of Aggregated Information. The attractive style had a higher predictive validity in user’s behavior-intention of information sharing than informational styles. Furthermore, inasmuch as user’s perception of design elements in storytelling style was low, storytelling style didn't moderate the relationship between information-seeking motivations and behavior-intention of information sharing.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070359114
Appears in Collections:Thesis