標題: 電子代工廠新產品導入之關鍵因素-以F公司為例
Key Factors of OEM New Product Introduction - A Case Study of F Company
作者: 曾泯瑋
Tseng, Min-Wei
Huang, Shih-Ping
關鍵字: 代工;新產品導入;OEM;NPI
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 二十世紀中期,電子產業逐漸興起了專業代工模式,台灣因具有專業的製造能力與生產彈性,所以在全球電子產業的價值鏈中,佔有很重要的地位。高科技代工產業雖然帶給台灣有「代工王國」之稱,但近幾年來隨著經濟發展,台灣的人力薪資、土地的取得成本漸漸升高,已經無法與其他發展中的國家競爭。在面臨全球分工和產能過剩的壓力下,以量取勝的策略,在現今微利時代將面臨更多的困難,要維持以往的競爭力,勢必要找出新的競爭優勢與方向。其中,從品牌公司接手新產品,有效地以最短的時間在世界各生產基地量產,是台灣的電子代工業者關鍵競爭力,而這種導入生產的流程稱之為「新產品導入」。 本研究構面著重在量產前的新產品導入階段,針對新產品導入的相關要素進行討論,透過國內外學者的相關研究報告蒐集,彙整出初步的構面與要素,並以焦點座談法決定最終的評估架構,再以層級分析法決定各項要素之間的權重關係。經研究整理,供應管理、設計驗證與生產製造為新產品導入的三大考量層面。本研究結果可提供整合性的思考模式,讓新產品導入階段的相關利害關係人,藉由此模型可釐清試產時相關因素相互影響關係,並從中改善影響試產階段的關鍵問題。
In the mid-20thcentury, the electronics industry gradually developed a professional OEM model, Taiwan due to a professional manufacturing capacity and production flexibility, so the value chain in the global electronics industry, occupies a very important position. Although the high-tech OEM industry to Taiwan has a "OEM kingdom," said, but in recent years with the booming economy, Taiwan's human wages, land acquisition costs gradually increased, has been unable to compete with other developing countries. How to handover new product from global brand company to distribute the factories around the world effectively for mass production, is the critical competitiveness of Taiwan OEMs. The key process is New Product Introduction (NPI). This paper focuses on the NPI at the pre-production stage. We discussed the relevant elements of NPI, collected the research reports through scholars at home and abroad, and then determined the categories and factors of the assessment by the focus group discussion method. The Analytic Hierarchy Process method determined the weight relationship between the factors. By the study result, supply management, design verification and production manufacturing are three categories of NPI. The results of the study provides an integrated reference model by which relevant stakeholders of NPI are able to clarify the relationship among factors that are related to trial production, and then improve the key issues which affect the NPI phase.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070363518
Appears in Collections:Thesis