標題: 從筆記型電腦產業近期突破性創新發展討論台灣代工廠可能因應之對策
A study of OEM strategies to confront disruptive innovations in notebook industry
作者: 戴瑞宏
Tang, Ying-Chan (Edwin)
關鍵字: 突破性創新;代工廠;disruptive innovation;OEM
公開日期: 2009
摘要: 突破性創新的理論不但在學界,也在產業界引發許多的關注,當企業界在面 對創新的挑戰或是創新的選擇的時候,突破性創新的理論也常常被用來分析與參 考。然而這樣的理論是否也對台灣的代工廠適合呢,本研究希望對這個方向進一 步探討。 以筆記型電腦產業來說,台灣的代工廠已經擁有約九成的全球市佔率,對 於這個產業來說也扮演了重要的一個角色,而對於台灣的產業來說,代工廠們也 建立了相當大的產業族群與影響。本研究透過收集筆記型電腦產業中最近的突破 性創新發展,特別是OLPC 個案,援引突破性創新的理論對台灣代工廠在面對創 新的挑戰時選擇的策略加以分析,看看代工廠們的選擇是否與理論能相互印證, 並希望能產生對於今後代工廠面對相似問題的經驗參考與建議。 代工廠的特性與品牌廠相當不同,因此在面對創新的科技或產品時可能有 不同的考量要素。對於衡量企業對創新的接受能力上,本研究討論代工廠與品牌 廠所衡量的要素差異,並提出對代工廠在運用突破性創新理論時的建議與參考。
Disruptive innovation is not only a famous theory, but most likely a powerful tool for the executives to consider the coming challenges in their industry. Does the same theory apply to OEM companies? This article is trying to make some examinations and discussions. OLPC is the most well-known case of disruptive innovation in notebook industry in recent years. But its follower, netbook, seems to have caught much more attention from the consumers, and created a sub-category product of notebook. This article tries to gather information of OLPC and netbook, and to dig lessons Taiwan OEM companies can learn form. As applying disruptive innovation theory to OEM companies, it should have different key factors measuring their ability to accommodate innovations. Those special attributes of OEM companies, in contrast to Brand companies, will lead to different strategy outcomes when they deal with disruptive innovations.