標題: 工具機組裝廠之生產規劃決策最佳化初探
A Pilot Study on Production Planning for a Machine Tool Assembly System
作者: 魏士忠
Wei, Shih-chung
Chen, Wen-Chih
關鍵字: 工具機組裝;人力指派;工作排序;決策支援系統;整數規劃;Machine tool assembly;workforce assignment;job sequencing;decision support system;mixed integer programming
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 本研究基於一實際案例探討一中小企業工具機組裝廠的生產規劃問題。傳統上此類公司的生產規劃都仰賴管理者的主觀判斷,缺乏一套有系統的決策方案,因此無法全面性評估審視各個訂單的特性,除導致決策品質不良,決策過程也相當費時。對此我們藉由分析相關問題現狀與產業特性,發現生產規劃的關鍵決策在於後段製程的人力安排,並發展一整數規劃最佳化模型。模型考量到實務需求的各項限制,包括人員組裝技能能力、休假安排等因素,能在快速提供最佳任務作業安排。除此之外,此模型可作為一核心工具,能與其他相關決策需求整合,提供業者一套合適的生產決策支援系統,降低導入與適應新系統的成本。
Originated from a real case, this research investigates the production planning in the machine tool assembly systems, particularly intends to develop a decision support system to enhance the decision quality. This is a pilot study to address the issues. We analyze and summarize the critical characteristics of the machine tool assembly systems and its management requirements. We develop a mathematical programming model for task-operator assignment and job sequencing so that the total lateness of all orders is minimized and workload is balanced among operators. The empirical study based on real data show that the model developed can play as a core engine for the production planning system in the future.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070363325