標題: 中國電子商務領導廠商的合作性策略
Cooperative Strategy for Leading China’s E-commerce Companies
作者: 昝鵬舉
Tsan, Peng-Chu
Hu, Jin-li
關鍵字: 中國;合作性策略;電子商務;China;Cooperative Strategy;E-commerce
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 在過去的數十年,研究者們專注於不同產業中競爭策略的研究。然而,在許多產業中,競爭與合作是相互並同時存在的。企業提供產品及勞務給客戶或是消費者,進而賺取營收和獲利,並不僅僅依靠他們自己本身,同時也憑藉著其他合作夥伴如供應商、買家、聯盟夥伴、甚至於競爭者。這篇研究主要在分析中國電子商務領導廠商的七大合作夥伴如物流企業、個人賣家、品牌產品企業、入口網站、搜尋引擎及網路社交工具、銀行業、網路服務提供商、以及手機產業等的企業合作、特質性資源、定位優勢等三個面向,而上述的這些合作夥伴的組成,也助成了中國電子商務領導企業如阿里巴巴集團能夠建立了數位電子商務生態圈。這篇研究發現到,至今,電子商務產業是一個能夠最為妥善整合及利用上述七大合作夥伴的產業。此外這篇研究也更加強調了「滿月模型」(Hu and Huang, 2015)-合作模型的重要性。
Over the decades, researchers have been focusing on competitive strategy on the analysis of different industries. However, competition and cooperation mutually exist in industries. Enterprises which provide products and services with clients as well as customers, and even make revenue and profit rely not only on themselves, but also on other parties such as suppliers, buyers, alliance members, and even competitors. This study mainly analyzes cooperation, idiosyncratic resource, and position advantages of leading Chinese electronic commerce companies in terms of 7 cooperative parties such as logistics companies, individual sellers, branded-goods sellers, web portal, search engine, as well as communication tools, banking industry, Internet service provider, and mobile phone industry, which help e-commerce companies such as Alibaba group build a digital EC business ecosystem in China. This study finds that nowadays, electronic commerce industry is one of the industries which well utilizes and integrates all these parties the best. Moreover, this study also illustrates how the Full Moon Model proposed by Hu and Huang (2015) works.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070353006