DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorWang, Mao-Sungen_US
dc.description.abstract近幾年隨著全球節能和環保意識的興起,各國政府開始關注到照明產品耗能的問題,因此如何節約能源與提高能源使用效率已成為重要課題。其中,高效率的LED 固態照明因為發光效率高,各國政府都相繼投入研究與推廣補助政策。綜觀2014 年全球LED元件版圖,歐美LED 產業佔據高階市場,中國大陸、台灣、日本及韓國LED 產業成為亞洲主要生產基地。在未來的LED 市場競爭中,這四個國家的LED 產業將佔有舉足輕重的地位。 展望未來,下一波LED 元件景氣的最重要關鍵是照明應用市場。各國LED 照明產業迅速發展的因素,「補助政策」在其中起了相當大的影響作用,帶動各國不斷的研發與投資相關設備,推動整個半導體照明迅速發展。本文透過文獻分析及專家訪談兩種研究方法,整理出LED 補助政策對產業的影響, 對台灣政府或產業的建議,以及面對中國大陸的崛起要如何因應。 根據研究結果所得結論,政府首先會採用技術推力的供給政策發展LED 產業,像補助廠商購買設備的費用,這樣能讓廠商快速擴產,提高供給的規模。接著用需求拉力的需求政策擴大國內市場,將產品價格直接或間接回饋給消費者,就能得到需求量的提升。另外,隨著各國政府推出禁用白熾燈政策,讓LED 照明市場逐漸成長,預估複合成長率在2010 年到2020 年將可達32%。最後,LED 照明市場若需要大幅成長,還是需要當地政府全力補助,才能讓市場繼續發展。 本研究建議台灣LED 廠商要加強研發創新和申請專利,這樣才能與國際大廠談相互授權,可以減少專利授權金與訴訟風險。同時,在LED 產品價格下降速度過快,壓縮到獲利空間下,廠商需要開發LED 利基型產品,創造出產品差異化,才能提高獲利。此外,在通路方面需要新的商業模式,如自創品牌或策略聯盟,建立起新的出海口,才能面對未來嚴峻的競爭與挑戰。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn recent years, with the rise of global awareness of energy saving and environmental protection, governments began to pay attention to the lighting product energy consumption problems. How to conserve energy and improve energy efficiency has become an important issue. Because of high luminous efficiency with the high efficiency of LED solid-state lighting, governments have been put into research and extension subsidy policy. According to 2014 world map of LED components, Europe and America LED industry have occupied the high-end markets, and China, Taiwan, Japan, Korea LED industry has become a major production base in Asia. Regarding LED market competition in the future, these four countries of the LED industry will occupy a pivotal position. Looking into the future, the most important key to the next wave of LED component boom is lighting applications. "Subsidy policy" playing a considerable role of factor in the rapid development of all countries LED lighting industry. It makes countries continue to drive R&D and invest relating equipment, and promote the rapid development of the semiconductor lighting. This paper, through the research methods of literature review and expert interviews, sorts out the impact of LED subsidy policy for the industry, to give Taiwan government or industry suggestion on improvement, and how to cope with the rise of mainland China. According to the research results, the government will adopt the technology push of supply policy first to develop LED industry, such as the subsidy to purchase equipment. It allows the manufacturers to expand production quickly, and increase the scale of supply. Then the government can use demand pull of demand policy to expand the domestic market, and provide the profit back into the consumers directly or, indirectly. Meanwhile, demand can be raised significantly. Besides, as governments launching policy to ban incandescent, the LED lighting market is growing gradually to estimate compound annual growth rate in 2010 to 2020 will reach 32%. Finally, if the LED lighting market needs to grow sharply, it still requires full subsidy support from the local government to continue developing the market. This study suggests that Taiwan LED manufacturers need more innovation and patent application to negotiate with international companies about cross-licensing. It can reduce the fees of patent licensing and risk of litigation. Meanwhile, due to LED product price fall too fast causing the lower profit margins, manufacturers need to develop LED niche products to create product differentiation and improve profitability. Furthermore, the marketing channel needs a new business model, such as creating an individual brand or building strategic alliances, and exploring a new market, to face future competitons and challenges.en_US
dc.subjectLED 補助政策zh_TW
dc.subjectLED 照明zh_TW
dc.subjectLED Subsidy Policyen_US
dc.subjectLED Lightingen_US
dc.titleAn Analysis of LED Subsidy Policies of China, Taiwan, Japan and Koreaen_US