標題: 台灣報業創立的成功要件與挑戰-以 A 公司為例
The Successful Factors and Challenges for the Creation of Taiwan Newspaper Business - A Case Study of Company A
作者: 諶鑽鑫
陳 安 斌
Chen, Chuan-Chin
Chen, An-Pin
關鍵字: 報業;網路衝擊;個案分析;Newspaper industry;Internet strike;Case study
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 本文以A公司為例,針對台灣報業在過去所遇到的機會以及面臨到的問題來進行探討。當時國內報紙市場,無論是發行及廣告市場,都不被看好的情況下,該集團逆勢而為在台創刊,從艱辛的創立、終於開始營業到公司開始賺錢,以及近幾年受到網路衝擊漸漸走下坡,本文中針對這些過程中所遇到的風風雨雨進行論述以及探討,讓讀者對此個案的時空背景多有了解,並期望讀者能因此個案激發出更多的管理、解決方法。
This is a paper based on real situation happening to company A in the past. In this article, the problem that newspaper industry has been facing is described thoroughly, and what this industry is going to encounter is also mentioned. When company A first came to Taiwan, no matter how pessimistic other people thought, it still stroke the newspaper industry and became one of the best. In this research, the details and situation the company was facing are in exhaustive description hoping to help readers to have full understanding about the whole circumstance, and stimulate them to have different thoughts on same or similar situation.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070463047