Title: 知覺風險對消費者接受區塊鏈金融服務之研究
The Effect of Perceived Risks on BlockChain Financial Service
Authors: 劉文民
Keywords: 區塊鏈;知覺風險;科技接受模型;Blockchain;TAM;Perceived Risk
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: Fintech風潮近年來從美國矽谷吹進華爾街,對於整個金融機構掀起巨大改革浪潮。另外於2008年出現的比特幣其背後運作技術-區塊鏈技術,即為金融界目前積極研究之Fintech 技術之一。區塊鏈是一種由密碼學以及複雜之數學公式所產生,屬於P2P交易機制的一種,其特點為去中心化、資料無法竄改,因此具有相當之安全性。而目前金融界正積極將此技術應用於跨境支付以及跨境匯款上,透過區塊鏈去中心化之特色,未來跨境相關金融業務即可望省略SWIFT機構繁雜之作業手續、高額手續費、漫長作業時間,銀行間之跨國金融作業可直接點對點之進行,可望省下高額成本以及加速作業時間。因區塊鏈金融服務仍未上線,因此本研究之調查則以透過讓影片以及文字說明讓消費者初步了解何謂區塊鏈,再搭配他們目前使用跨境支付、跨境匯款之經驗進行填答。
本研究採用Davis於所提出之科技接受模型(Technology Acceptance Model,TAM)作為本研究理論基礎架構,並且結合認知風險以及信任兩個部分來預測消費者對於此新穎之金融科技服務之接受程度以及影響其使用之最大風險為何。此外本研究以問卷型式進行調查,其結果為知覺易用性對於知覺有用性、信任皆有顯著影響;知覺有用性對信任、行為意願皆有顯著影響、信任對行為意願也有顯著影響;而在知覺風險方面則是僅財務風險對信任有顯著影響。
As Fintech coming from Silicon Valley to Wall Street, it has made a huge change in banking operations. Besides, the bitcoin appears in 2008 and its back-end technology is BlockChain. BlockChain is one of the hot skills that many banks want to research and develop. And BlockChain is composed of Cryptography and a lot of complex mathematical formulas. BlockChain is the Peer to Peer mechanism, and it also has the ability of decentralization and the data cannot be modified so it is quiet safe. Therefore, many banks want to apply BlockChain to international remittance and payment because it can save a huge fee and a lot of operation time.
We use the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) as the research framework, and combine it with two aspects--Perceived Risk and Trust to evaluate what is the most important risk that affects consumers’ behavior intention and what level do consumers accept this new Fintech service. In this research, we collect data by questionnaire and the following are the result of hypotheses: perceived ease of use will significantly affect perceived usefulness and trust. Perceived usefulness will significantly influence trust and behavior intention. Trust will significantly affect behavior intention and only the financial risk will significantly influence trust.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070453705
Appears in Collections:Thesis