標題: 手持式電子產品卡扣式電池蓋結構設計與疲勞壽命分析
Analysis on Fatigue and Structure design of Plastic Battery Cover Snap for Handheld Electronic Device
作者: 黃柏煒
Huang, Po-Wei
Hsu, Ray-Quen
關鍵字: 卡扣接合;田口實驗設計法;灰關聯分析;Snap fit;Taguchi method;Gray relational analysis
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 現今物流產業經常使用的手持式行動掃描器,為了方便資料記錄及傳輸而搭載NFC天線,但貼附天線的電池蓋因卡扣容易磨損而汰換,造成耗材成本過高的問題。因此希望在不改變或增加成本的考量下,提升電池蓋卡扣的使用壽命,所以我們針對塑膠電池蓋卡扣在拆裝過程中的固定能力及應力變化進行最佳化分析來改善塑膠電池蓋的結構設計。在此研究中,我們結合有限元素分析軟體與田口實驗法去探討卡扣設計的重要尺寸參數如脫離角度、卡扣根部厚度、卡扣根部寬度、卡扣長度、卡扣保持面深度、卡扣厚部錐度、卡扣寬部錐度等因子,對於卡扣的脫離力及應力的影響,並找出最佳化設計參數。最後利用灰關聯理論進行多重品質分析求得符合設計要求的最佳參數組合,並建立實際模型進行測試,對於使用壽命方面提升了89.96%,也達成使用次數超過800次的設定目標。
Handheld barcode scanners which equip NFC antenna for information record and transmission conveniently are frequently used in many logistics industries. But the snap fit of the attached NFC antenna's battery cover is easily getting damage that increases cost when replace it. The purpose of this study is to increase life span of the plastic battery cover without increasing cost. Therefore, we focus on investigating the optimal analysis in holding force and stress evolution of plastic battery cover to improve the method of plastic battery cover production. In order to find out the best parameters, we combined commercial finite element analysis software and design of Taguchi to search the effects of design parameters like snap bevel angle, beam thickness, beam width, beam length, depth of dwell face, draft angle of beam thickness, draft angle of beam width of snap-fit on holding force and stress of whole joints. Finally, we applied Gray relational theory of multiple-quality analysis to yield an optimum solution under the design criteria and establish a real model to test the experiment. The snap fit is successfully reaching the setting goals which improve in increasing life span about 89.96% and using more than 800 times.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070161108
Appears in Collections:Thesis