標題: EasyConnect 物聯網系統之資料庫、 通訊與執行模組實作
Implementation of the Database, Communication, and Execution Modules for the EasyConnect IoT System
作者: 戴嘉駿
Tai, Chia-Chun
Lin, Yi-Bing
Lin, Yun-Wei
關鍵字: 互動設計;物聯網;穿戴式裝置;無線通訊;Interactive design;Internet of Things (IoT);wearable device;wireless communications
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 隨著金流、人流、互動藝術設計等應用紛紛採用物聯網(Internet of Things)的技術。為了管理與日倆增的物聯網設備與連線選擇,我們開發EasyConnect物聯網系統管理物聯網設備。在系統中,一個物聯網設備由其具備的功能(Feature)來區分(如溫度、震動、螢幕等)。透過開發系統上的網路應用程式(Network Application),這些裝置便能有所連結、互動。由於每個設備的功能都是獨立的,我們可以為每個功能都寫一個模組化的軟體,而網路應用程式就可以簡單的組合這些不同的模組化軟體來做到不同的應用。基於用功能區分設備的概念及模組化的軟體,這些模組化的軟體可以讓我們更簡單且更有效率的開發物聯網設備應用及互動程式。
Many Internet of Things (IoT) technologies have been used in applications for money flow, logistics flow, people flow, interactive art design and so on. To manage these increasing disparate devices and connectivity options, we develop an EasyConnect IoT system to manage IoT devices. An IoT device is characterized by its “features” (e.g., temperature, vibration, display, etc.) that are manipulated by the network applications. If a network application handles the individual device features independently, then we can write a software module for each device feature, and the network application can be simply constructed by including these brick-like device feature modules. Based on the concept of device feature, brick-like software modules can provide simple and efficient mechanism to develop IoT device applications and interactions.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070356505
Appears in Collections:Thesis