Title: 新創公司的成功故事- 以印尼第一「獨角獸」公司Go-Jek為例
A success story of a startup: A case of Go-Jek to be the first unicorn in Indonesia
Authors: 蘇翠欣
Huang, Kevin
Keywords: 城市;交通;Go-jek;獨角獸;urban;traffic;Go-jek;unicorn
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 城市交通擁堵一直是城市地區的一個根本問題,特別是在印尼的雅加達。 它造成的經濟損失包含了燃料消耗,時間生產力,車輛運行成本,低效率的交易成本和空氣污染成本。 印尼的國家發展機構的綜合交通總體規劃(SITRAMP)研究提到,估計將遭受的經濟損失約為22.6億美元,低交通時間效率所造成的損失達28.4億美元。 Go-Jek是一家技術創業公司,成立於2010年,旨在解決城市交通擠塞的核心問題,以及提高摩托車出租車司機的福祉。 通過利用信息技術,Go-Jek不僅破壞(突破、打破)了傳統摩托車出租車的討價還價過程,而且改善了其他行業的商業模式,如餐飲服務,購物,甚至沙龍。 破壞性的成功持續到Go-Jek在移動應用程序啟動的1年內實現所謂的“獨角獸公司”。 本文將介紹Go-Jek及其實現其當前位置的里程碑。 此外,它將通過全面的文獻研究和二次研究確定Go-Jek的商業模式的關鍵成功因素。
Urban traffic congestion has always been a fundamental problem in the urban area, especially in Jakarta, Indonesia. It has caused an economic loss that ranges from fuel consumption, time productivity, vehicle operation cost, inefficient transaction cost, and air pollution cost. A Study on Integrated Transportation Master Plan (SITRAMP) by National Development Body of Indonesia mentioned that estimated economic loss that will be suffered is around USD 2.16 Billion and inefficient traffic time by USD 2.84 Billion. Go-Jek is a technology startup that was established since 2010 and attempts to solve the core problem of the urban area traffic cramming as well as to improve motorcycle taxi drivers’ welfare. By utilizing the information technology, Go-Jek has not only disrupted the troublesome traditional motorcycle taxi bargaining process, but also improved other sectors’ business models, such as food service, shopping, and even salon. The success of disruption continued until Go-Jek could achieve so-called ‘unicorn’ within 1 year of mobile application initiation. This paper will introduce Go-Jek and its milestone to achieve its current position. In addition, it will identify the key success factor of Go-Jek’s business model through a comprehensive literature study and secondary research.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070453037
Appears in Collections:畢業論文