標題: 一個提供餐廳資訊的印尼手機應用程式
An Indonesian Mobile Application for Restaurant Information
作者: 倪德里
Ardian, Nurfauzi
Kang, Jin-Su
關鍵字: 商業計劃書;手機應用程式;餐廳產業;印尼的網路用戶;Business Plan;Mobile Application;Restaurant Industry;Internet Users in Indonesia
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 在印尼,光是2014年,就有207,493萬家餐廳,交易總數量將近六十一億,每筆交易平均有5.97美元。同一年,智慧型手機的使用者有三億八千三百萬人口。在這些數字不斷增加的趨勢下,此篇研究的目的為發展一印尼在地化之餐飲資訊移動裝置應用程式的商業計劃書提案。 為了要加深對市場的了解,以面試進行的市場調查已於2016年12月至2017年4月期間完成。了解賦予了何種商業模式將較可行,以及何種功能為印尼民眾及餐廳產業所需的。透過本資訊移動裝置,現行的手機用戶將能夠獲取餐廳地點資訊及運用與在餐廳用餐相關聯之功能。 本計劃之目標市場客群為沒有小孩的白領階級和學生。而目標的合作餐廳為對社群媒體行銷管道有興趣的餐廳。公司經營團隊將由四位台灣國立交通大學的學生組成,其中一位來自企業管理碩士學位學程(Global MBA),另外三位有國際資訊工程的背景。 此商業計劃需要的資金為第一年(2018)三十萬美金,第二年(2019)三十萬美金,及第三年(2020)二十萬美金。這些投資在第三年後(2020)預計達到收支平衡,並在2021年達到美金九萬四千元的淨利,且在2022年達到兩百八十六萬三千美元的淨利。
It is known that in 2014, 207,493 restaurants in Indonesia totally achieved 6,168.3 million transactions with US$ 5.97 averagely each transaction. During the same year, the active smartphone users were 38.3 million people. Having these numbers in increasing trends until now, this study’s purpose is to develop a business plan an Indonesian mobile application for restaurant information. In order to understand the market deeper, market survey through interview is conducted in December 2016 until April 2017. It has given insight on what kind of business model can be workable and what features which Indonesian people and restaurant industry need. Through the mobile app, the active smartphone users will be able to get restaurant destination information and have some features related to dine-in activities. The targets of the users are white collar with no kid and also students. For the targeted restaurants will be focused on restaurants which are aware of social media promotion. The company team consists of four Indonesian graduates of NCTU (National Chiao Tung University), Taiwan with one person having Global MBA background and three people having International Computer Science background. The investment needed will be in the first three years, $300K in 2018, $300K in 2019, and $200K in 2020. This investment is projected to achieve breakeven point after the year three (2020) with net income US$ 974K in 2021 and US$ 2,863K in 2022.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070453027
Appears in Collections:Thesis