標題: 新竹科學園區從業人員購買生死合險之關鍵因素
Exploring the Key Factors of Purchasing Endowment Insurances for Employees at Hsinchu Science Park
作者: 鄧淑萍
Teng, Shu-Ping
Chiang, Chi
關鍵字: 層級分析法;生死合險;消費者行為;AHP;Endowment Insurance;Consumer Behavior
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 本研究採用層級分析法(AHP)進行數據化分析,以探究新竹科學園區之從業人員於購買生死合險的關鍵性決定因素為何,依據本研究結果可作為壽險產業未來決策與開發產品時之參考,以滿足更多客戶需求。首先透過產業分析及文獻探討,建立初步之層級架構,經由專家訪談與重要性評比之前測問卷結果分析,並通過信度及效度檢測,篩選出五大構面與二十項衡量指標準則,再設計出成對比較之正式問卷,並透過一致性檢定與運用AHP法分析,最終得出各項構面與衡量指標權重及重要程度排名。 分析本研究之研究結果,五大主構面之權重排名依序為「產品功能」、「保費層面」、「服務機制」、「公司層面」、「業務人員」,前兩項之權重占整體權重五成五。於二十項衡量指標中,最為顯著重要之前五大因子為「保障內容」、「產品利益」、「保費負擔輕重」、「完善的理賠服務」、「保費價格高低」,其整體權重總和佔總權重近五成,顯示前五項衡量因子為購買生死合險非常重要之關鍵考量因素,而此五項指標亦歸屬於前三大重要構面中,佐證呼應主構面權重分析結果。
This study explores critical factors of purchasing endowment insurances for employees at Hsinchu Science Park by applying the analytic hierarchy process (AHP). The research results aim to serve as a reference guide for life insurance companies while making decisions about the design of product offerings to meet customers’ needs. Based on current literature, intensive industry analysis, interviews, and preliminary questionnaire results, five dimensions with 20 criteria are selected into the questionnaire. A list of preferred aspects is then obtained after analyzing the formal questionnaire with AHP. The results reveal that the five dimensions in order of importance are product function, premium level, service mechanism, company level, and salesperson. The first two accounts for 55% of significance. Among the 20 evaluation criteria for considering purchasing endowment insurances, the following five explain about 50% of the importance in purchasing the insurance. These are insurance coverage, product benefits, premium burden, complete service for claims, and premium price respectively. These five aspects also fall into the categories of the previously-mentioned dimensions.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070463131