標題: 利他/利己對志工參與率的影響-以調節定向為調節變數
The Effect of Other-Benefit/Self-Benefit Appeals on Volunteer Participation to the moderating role of Regulatory Focus
作者: 劉也慈
Liu, Yeh-Tzu
Chang, Chia-Chi
關鍵字: 調節定向;利他行為;志工;Regulatory Focus;Altruism;volunteers
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 本研究目的欲探討利他利己框架對志工參與率的影響,以調節定向為調節變數,其中假設「在促進定向下,利他比利己文宣包裝的志工參與率、志工參與態度、志工未來意向皆會更高」以及「在預防定向下,利己比利他文宣包裝的志工參與率、志工參與態度、志工未來意向皆會更高。」。 本研究使用實驗法,受試者間設計,2*2的實驗,共140位受測者,在學校餐廳的學生樣本。利用不同海報文宣推廣淨灘志工活動。調節定向操弄海報圖片跟文字,利他利己操弄海報文字。 結果在促進定向不符合假設,利他文宣的志工參與率、志工參與態度、志工未來意向在統計上都沒有比較高,十分遺憾。但在預防定向下,利己文宣的志工參與態度、志工未來意向在統計上顯著比較高,符合假設。
This study is about the Effectiveness of Other-benefit Versus Self-benefit Appeals in volunteer participate to Regulatory Focus. There are two assumptions, one is “In the promotion-framed, the participation rate of volunteer participation, attitude of volunteer participation, and future image of volunteers will be higher”, the other is “Under the prevention-framed, the participation rate of volunteers, attitude of the participation of volunteers, the future image of volunteers will be higher” This study used Experimental method with between subjects and 2 * 2 experiments. There were total of 140 subjects which were the students who pass by the restaurant in the school. There were four different poster propagandas to promote cleaning the beach volunteer activities. And manipulate the Regulatory Focus through poster text and picture, and manipulate the altruistic through poster text. Life is not always what we want it to be, so is experiment. Although in the prevention-framed, the volunteer participation attitude and the future image of volunteers support with the hypothesis. In the promotion-framed, reality rejects all the assumptions, including the volunteer participation rate, attitude of the participation of volunteers, the future image of volunteers.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070453127
Appears in Collections:Thesis