Title: 促銷方式對台北市消費者購買運動服飾意願影響之研究
The study on the Influence of Promotion on the Consumer Purchase Intention for the Sportswear
Authors: 陳思如
Chen, Szu-Ju
Chen, Quang-Hua
Keywords: 運動服飾;促銷;購買意願;Sportswear;promotion;purchase intention
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 近年來全球運動風氣蓬勃發展,其中台灣以騎乘自行車與慢跑的風氣最為興盛,運動休閒人口大幅提升,促使運動產業成為一個龐大的新興市場,連帶著驅動運動服飾、鞋類、配件、健身器材、競賽活動等相關商機,不論是從事何種運動類型,服飾類是最不可或缺的基本配備,然坊間運動服飾之品牌、功能、價格、設計迥異,故本研究深入探討不同促銷方式,對於消費者購買運動服飾意願之影響程度。
Recent years, exercising becomes a more and more popular activity in the world. An increasing number of populations engaging in leisure and sports make sports industry a huge emerging markets. In addition, related merchandises such as sportswear, shoes, accessory and equipment are driven by this trend and bear highly potential growth business. It is worth mentioned that, among all the merchandises, sportswear is the most essential one when it comes to do sports. However, there are various kinds of brands, functions, price or designs in sportswear industry. Therefore, this study focuses on how different promotion methods can influence the consumer purchase intention.
This study adopts Harvard correction mode in consumer decision-making process as the research framework. The research variables include demographics, product attributes, promotions and purchase intention. The study’s sample investigates from the consumer in Taipei city via Internet. The total number of questionnaires collected is 478, in which 445 of them are effective. The study use SPSS as statistical analysis tool.
The result shows that different demographics have the significant impact on product attributes of sportswear, purchasing intention and promotion method. Promotion method has the positive impact on the purchase intention. Based on the results, the study provides managerial suggestion to marketing management for practical use.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070353760
Appears in Collections:Thesis