Title: 使用者對行動動畫影音Apps之付費意願研究
A Study of Users’ Acceptance and Willingness to Pay for Mobile Video Apps of Animation
Authors: 陳明宏
Chen, Ming-Hung
Shieh, Hwai-Shuh
Keywords: 行動動畫影音Apps;付費意願;動漫;社會認知理論;知覺價值;Mobile Video Apps of Animation;Willingness to Pay;Animation;Social Cognitive Theory;Perceived Value
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 近十年來民眾對影音觀看的習慣因網路與智慧型手機的興起而大幅改變,而「動畫觀賞」的習慣也逐漸轉變。從前是每個星期固定時段坐在電視機前觀賞,而現在則是隨時隨地都可以透過不同行動載具進行不同動畫的觀看,也因為如此甚至在2014年時台灣也有了第一個專屬於動漫的「行動動畫影音Apps」,從此為動畫觀賞開啟了新的篇章。 然而,到了今日雖然台灣的動漫市場相當有潛力,但行動動畫影音Apps在台灣仍有相當大的進步空間,除了在喜愛動畫族群中並未相當普及外,使用者對行動動畫影音Apps之付費意願仍不如「行動音樂Apps」,如kkbox、Spotify,或「行動影音Apps」如LINE TV、Netflix、friDay影音、愛奇藝等行動服務。此外雖然在2016年開始出現了具有收費模式之業者,但今日也仍在市場中努力生存。因此若能瞭解影響使用者對動畫影音Apps使用意願及付費意願的因素,那麼將對台灣「行動動畫影音Apps」之業者大有幫助。 本篇論文以行動動畫影音Apps之使用者及潛在使用者作為研究對象,並以社會認知理論為基礎,將環境因素(人際社會影響、外部社會影響)、個人因素(個人創新接受性)、體驗流(Flow Experience, FE)、動機因素(知覺有用性、知覺享樂性)、知覺價值(知覺利益、知覺成本)納入研究架構,並透過結構方程模型(Structural Equation Modeling, SEM)分析,探討這些因素對使用者之使用意圖與付費意願之影響。 研究結果發現,人際社會影響、外部社會影響、知覺享樂性、知覺利益與知覺成本對使用意圖有顯著影響;而個人創新接受性、體驗流、知覺有用性則對使用意圖無顯著影響;另外知覺利益與使用意圖則又對付費意願有顯著影響,透過這些結果,希望給予台灣行動動畫影音Apps之業者一些建議與方向。
With the developing of Internet and smart phones, people’s habits of watching are gradually changing, not only watching video, but also watching animation. Before about 10 years ago, people sit in front of TV on the specific time to watching their favorite cartoon or animation. But now it is possible to watch different kinds of animations through different mobile vehicles, like smart phones or tablet, anytime and anywhere. Besides, the first mobile video Apps of animation in Taiwan also had been published in 2014. However, although Taiwan has a potential animation market, the market of mobile video Apps of animation still developed slowly. People’s willingness to pay is much low to these kind of app, not like the mobile music apps (such as kkbox, Spotify) or the mobile video apps (such as LINE TV, Netflix, friDay). Therefore, in this research, we want to understand what factors can affect the user's intention to use the mobile video apps of animation and the willingness to pay of it. Based on the theory of social cognitive theory, we added environmental factors (Interpersonal Social Influence, External Social Influence), personal factors (Personal Innovativeness), Flow Experience, motivated factors (Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Enjoyment) and perceived value factors (Perceived Benefit, Perceived Cost) into the research structure. And we tested whether those factors would have significant effect on the intention to use and willingness to pay of mobile video Apps of animation by using the structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis. The results showed that Interpersonal Social Influence, External Social Influence, Perceived Enjoyment, Perceived Benefit and Perceived Cost have a significant effect on the Intention to Use. And Personal Innovativeness, Flow Experience, Perceived Usefulness have no significant effect on the intention of use. Finally, Perceived Benefit and Intention to Use have a significant impact on the Willingness to Pay, and through these results, we hope to give some advice and direction for companies of mobile video Apps of animation in Taiwan.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070453751
Appears in Collections:Thesis