Title: 低成本航空公司之兩岸航空客運直航航線發展策略研究──以春秋航空為例
A Study of the Cross-Strait Direct Flight's Development Strategy of Low Cost Carriers: the Case of Spring Airlines
Authors: 趙昱
Zhao, Yu
Chiang, Chi
Keywords: 低成本航空;兩岸直航;春秋航空;Low Cost Carriers;Cross Strait Direct Flight;Spring Airlines
Issue Date: 2016
Abstract: 近年來兩岸間的經貿往來密切、人員往來頻繁,兩岸航空運輸因直航的開放而蓬勃發展,兩岸航線已成為台灣航空運輸市場最重要的增長點。與此同時,東亞地區的低成本航空產業正在快速興起,外籍低成本航空公司紛紛湧入大中華區市場,大陸與台灣也開始成立本地的低成本航空公司。 目前對於兩岸航空運輸中低成本航空的相關研究很少,本研究通過分析兩岸低成本航空產業與兩岸航空客運直航市場,運用個案研究法針對目前唯一一家經營兩岸航線的低成本承運人──春秋航空公司,以相關分析模型對其在兩岸航空客運直航市場之發展策略進行探討。本研究顯示,,兩岸航線的市場環境與發展態勢有利於低成本航空公司的拓展航線、擴大運營。本研究也希望通過對春秋航空公司的分析,為其他的低成本航空公司進入兩岸航空市場提供一些參考。
In recent years, the trade and civilian communication between Taiwan and Mainland China have been growing thanks to Cross-Strait détente. Due to the Cross-Strait Air Policy, Cross-Strait routes have become the most important growth point of the Taiwan's aviation market. Meanwhile, many foreign low-cost carriers from East Asia have entered the Greater China market, and some local low-cost carriers also have developed in Taiwan and Mainland China. Due to the lack of the relevant research of low cost airlines in cross-strait aviation market, this study analyzes both the low-cost airlines industry in Greater China Area and the cross-strait direct flight market, and discusses Spring Airlines that is the only low-cost carrier in the cross-strait aviation market and its development strategy regarding direct cross-strait direct flights. This study shows that the market environment and development trend of cross-strait routes favor the low-cost carriers to expand capacity and new routes. The study also provides some references for other local low-cost carriers to enter the cross-strait aviation market through the analysis of Spring Airlines.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070253139
Appears in Collections:畢業論文