Title: 面板廠自動化倉儲系統之防震控制與試驗-液流阻尼器之應用
Seismic Control and Test of Automated Stocker System for TFT-LCD Industry – Application of Viscous Fluid Dampers
Authors: 王妙琪
Wang, Yen-Po
Keywords: 高科技產業;自動化倉儲系統;結構控制;消能減震;液流阻尼器;Hi-tech Industries;Automated Stocker System;Structural Control;Seismic Energy Dissipation;Viscous Fluid Damper
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 2016 年 206 地震重創台灣高科技產業,損失近千億台幣,主要損失來源為自動倉 儲系統(automated stocker system,簡稱 STK)之大量晶圓盒或卡匣滑落癱瘓整條產線核心區,導致鉅額之震害損失。本研究旨在發展面板廠自動倉儲系統(automated stocker system,簡稱 STK)的減震控制技術,提出以小型液流阻尼器裝設於 STK 棚架頂端與天花板之間,利用其相對運動驅動被動消能機構以減緩 STK 振動。本研究完成一座足尺棚架單元之振動台試驗,考慮 Kobe 及九二一地震(TCU017)作為輸入震波。減震控制採 用先前針對半導體廠自動倉儲系統最佳化分析所訂定之線性液流阻尼器,試驗前並通 過元件測試。並試驗結果顯示此一減震控制方法非常成功,可同時有效降低棚架位移 及加速度,控制效益隨震波強度增加而有提升之趨勢,棚架不平衡扭轉行為亦趨緩。
本文以 ETABS 進行線性動態模擬分析,在相同的擾動條件下預測STK、鋼框架以及阻 尼器之動態反應進行比較,動態反應振幅與趨勢之模擬分析與試驗結果具有很好的相 關性,足資判斷 STK 減震設計是否合宜,應可作為面板廠 STK 的防震設計與評估工具。 最後,本文並以一座真實的面板廠 STK 為例進行減震控制設計與評估分析,考慮雙向 地震同時作用,協助業者規劃國內第一個面板廠 STK 耐震補強示範例。
The hi-tech industries of Taiwan were seriously damaged in an earthquake of Magnitude 6.6 on February 6, 2016 and suffered from a substantial financial loss estimated to be nearly a hundred billion NT dollars. Statistics shows that loss attributes mainly to the automated stocker system (STK) from which massive foups or cassettes were shaken off, and the core production lines were paralyzed as a result. This study proposes to mitigate the seismic response of the stockers for the display industry, based on the concept of structural control, by introducing viscous fluid dampers in between the ceiling and the top of the STK. The energy-dissipative mechanism will be activated passively by the relative motion during earthquakes to depress the vibration of the STK. A series of shake table tests has been conducted to verify the feasibility of the proposed scheme on a full-scale stocker provided by the industry under realistic earthquake scenarios, including Kobe Earthquake and Ji-Ji earthquake recorded at TCU017 station. Linear dampers with optimal damping coefficient determined from a previous study are considered and verified via component tests. Experimental results indicate a great success of the strategy that both the displacement and acceleration responses of the STK are simultaneously reduced to a iv large extent. The control efficiency increases with the earthquake intensity and the unbalanced torsional behavior of the STK is remarkably depressed. In this thesis, the ETABS is adopted for dynamic simulation of the shake table tests under the same excitations to predict the dynamic responses of the STK, steel frame and dampers for comparison. The amplitudes and trends of the dynamic responses from the simulations are well correlated with the experimental results, indicating sufficiency of the methodology in justifying adequacy of the control design, and therefore eligible to serve as a tool for seismic protective design and assessment of the STK for the TFT-LCD factories. Moreover, the seismic control design and evaluation of a STK for practical application has been carried out under bi-axial earthquake excitations to help a domestic corporation in the display industry planning the first demonstrative project on seismic retrofit of STK in Taiwan.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070451216
Appears in Collections:Thesis