Title: 鴻海併購夏普之個案研究
Case Study of Acquisition of Sharp by Hon Hai
Authors: 吳昱鈞
Keywords: 併購;動機;策略;個案分析;鴻海;夏普;Merge and Acquisition;Motivation;Strategy;Case Study;Hon Hai;Sharp
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 鴻海是台灣最重要的國際型企業之一,也是全球第一大電子代工廠,鴻海每一次的併購案,都是值得從中分析其集團未來發展布局方向。本研究選擇鴻海與夏普併購案例作為研究對象,藉由探討併購相關理論與文獻,再分析個案公司近年經營狀況及產業布局,用個案分析法分析鴻海併購夏普之動機,除取得夏普面板關鍵技術外,鴻海意欲取得鉅額虧損的夏普之強烈企圖心為何?進一步從併購過程中,探討鴻海可能面臨的對手及運用的策略,最終為何由鴻海取得夏普。最後分析併購後鴻海可能面對會在組織面、經營面及市場面的挑戰。鴻海可成為跨國性企業,除郭台銘先生的領導力外,最重要已形塑之企業文化精神及制度流程,如何在併購後帶入並結合夏普原有的研發創新能力,將鴻海由現有的代工獲利模式轉變,從本研究探討,或可略窺一二。
Hon Hai is the most important international enterprise in Taiwan and also the world’s largest factory in contract manufacturing services to global Computer, Communication and Consumer-electronics ("3C") leaders. It is worth to analyze Hon Hai’s future development’s strategy through studying every Hon Hai’s M&A. This thesis is based on the M&A case study of Hon Hai and Sharp. Through investigating the M&A-related theories and literatures, and observing the operating conditions and industry strategy, this thesis studies the motivation of Hon Hai. Except to require Sharp’s most important panel technology, why did Hon Hai have strong will to invest Sharp which had huge losses? Then it studies the successful factors of this M&A by analyzing the competitors and strategy from M&A process. Finally, it analyzes the organizational, operating and marketing challenges of Hon Hai after M&A. This M&A case is important case for Hon Hai’s overall strategy to change their original EMS business model and its success depends on how Hon Hai properly combine the Hon Hai’s culture and system with Sharp’s R&D and innovation. After study, we might find out the context.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070263905
Appears in Collections:Thesis