標題: 以德國DEKRA併購台灣快特電波看國際驗證分析公司之競爭策略
A Case Study of DEKRA’s Acquisition of QuieTek- Competitive Strategy of International Verification Laboratory
作者: 許文其
Hsu, Wen-Chi
Chu, Po-Young
關鍵字: 驗證分析;併購;競爭策略;藍海策略;快特;TIC;M&A;Blue Ocean;Competitive Strategy;DEKRA;QuieTek
公開日期: 2015
摘要: 各行各業中只要是商品、設備或材料會影響到人類的生命安全的考量時,均必須透過第三方認證機構進行測試、檢驗及認證,以確保該商品於未來供人類使用上,降低因商品發生安全問題而造成人類生命損傷的風險。 測試驗證屬非常冷門的產業,雖然全球各地,有非常多官方或非官方的機構,均提供這類驗證或認證服務,但是大者恆大的態勢愈來愈明顯。每家大型國際驗證機構,陸陸續續透過併購或合資公司來擴張,以達到公司迅速成長的目的。透過併購目標市場的在地企業,除可立即擁有現成的技術能力,也可以快速進入市場,獲得新客源,達到短期增加營收的目的。因此透過併購或合資公司來擴張,常是這些財務健康的國際企業能迅速成長的競爭策略。 本研究以個案研究法,首先透過Porter五力分析模式,了解測試認證產業的競爭態勢,再由國際併購的動機分析個案公司的併購目的及其關鍵價值,最後由藍海策略中的價值創新來看這次併購可能達到的目的及未來可以發展的藍海市場。
As long as the merchandise, equipment or materials, which would affect human life and safety, they must be subjected to testing, inspection and certification by a third-party certified bodies. This will ensure that those products used safety for human life in the future. Testing and validation belongs to a very specific industry and there are many official and non-official agencies providing such verification and certification services. Due to the observed trend of big ones getting bigger, most international verification institutions, one after another, expand their markets through merge & acquisition or joint ventures in order to achieve the purpose of growing the company rapidly. The advantages gained through the merge & acquisition, such as directly acquiring the company in the target market, include taking over the existing technical capabilities as well as the customers immediately. This strategy can also quickly access the target market and increase revenues to reach short-term goals. Therefore, through merge & acquisition or joint ventures to expand is the most rapid and convenient growing strategy for the companies with strong financial strength. The research is based a case study, adopting the Porter, Five Force Model to analyze the competitive situation in the Testing, Inspection and Certification(TIC) industry firstly. Then, the motivation and key valuedrine of the acquiring company, DEKRA, are structuralized. Finally, by means of value innovation from the Blue Ocean Strategy, the acquisition is explored whether the development of blue ocean market would be achievable in the future.