标题: 探讨影响使用e食安全App意向之因素
A Study on Factors Affecting the Intention of Using e-Food Safety App
作者: 蔡佳恩
Tsai, Jia-En
Hwang, Hsin-Ginn
关键字: 食品安全;应用程式;整合性科技接受理论;Food Safety;Application;Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology;UTAUT
公开日期: 2017
摘要: 食品安全之议题在世界各国皆为热门话题,近50年来台湾食品安全事件层出不穷,国人长期食用黑心食品,将大量有害物质、致癌物吃下肚,在体内不断累积且不易排出,进而引发癌症、慢性病或其他症状。食用者若能直接避免长期饮食受害,则为较正确的方式保持饮食健康。在台湾社会政府与法治对于食品安全准备好之前,食品安全事件无法根除,民众如何自我防备食品不安全的问题成为重要议题。食品安全应结合资讯科技达成个人化的饮食健康,且透过资讯系统的应用程式迅速取得食品相关知识,并达到自我防范不安全食品之可能性。本研究将提出e食安全应用程式(e-Food Safety App)之构想,整合现行食品安全之应用程式功能,且加入流言终结和个人专属之功能,并探讨使用者对于e-Food Safety App之功能特点的使用意向。本研究使用问卷调查法,以长期使用App者作为对象,有效问卷共202份。问卷资料分析结果显示e食安全应用程式使用意向之关键因素皆呈现正向影响,且曾经使用过类似App管理自身健康的受测者对于使用意向具调节效果。
Food safety issues have risen worldwide for about 50 years. Food safety incidents kept happening in Taiwan and people have consumed contaminated food for a very long period of time. It will be more efficient way to fullfil people’s healthy diet that people themselves can avoid long-term harmful food consumption. Nowadays, Taiwan government and the food safety regulations are still not ready for protecting people from food safety incidents. How people prepare themselves for choosing the right food everyday will be an important issue. This study aims to integrate concepts of food safety and information technology to establish a framework of the personalized diet application (e-Food Safety App). The current food safety application functionalities were summarized to propose the idea of the e-Food Safety App. Then the questionnaire survey was used for the analysis of the key factors of using e-Food Safety App. There were valid 202 data collected in this study, and the research results show that the performance expectancy, effort expectancy and facilitating conditions have positive relationships with behavior intention.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070463409