標題: 全球化下的文化順流與逆流: 韓國翻拍台灣偶像劇的政經與文化意義
Global Flow and Contra-Flow : A cultural analysis on Korean remake of Taiwanese TV drama
作者: 黃瓊德
Huang, Chiung-Te
Wei, Ti
關鍵字: 全球化;偶像劇;文化逆流;韓劇;翻拍;Globalization;TV drama;Contra-flow;Korean drama;Remake
公開日期: 2017
摘要:   本論文透過政策、產業以及文本等三個層面的探討,試圖解釋 2014 年開始韓國電視翻拍台灣偶像劇的現象。本研究選定六部文本個案,分別是台灣偶像劇【命中注定我愛你】、【敗犬女王】、【我可能不會愛你】,以及韓國翻拍後的【命中注定我愛你】、【魔女的條件】、【愛你的時間7000天】。   研究結果顯示,韓國政府從1990年代後期積極進行文化政策的制定,配合企業、學界、民間的參與,讓晚近的韓國電視產業不僅得以深耕,更能在國際傳播環境中積極進行流通與生產的嘗試。相對的,台灣的文化政策長期缺乏縝密規劃和有效執行,電視產業結構在 1990 年代之後的轉型也不健全,在資源不足、政策失效、產業失能的狀況下,電視產業出現停滯不前的困境。整體而言,到目前為止韓國電視翻拍台灣偶像劇的操作,並未實質改變台、韓偶像劇電視產業的相對關係。   在文本方面,翻拍偶像劇呈現東亞文化混雜樣貌:第一,偶像劇的製作仍無法擺脫文化商品邏輯。第二,翻拍前後文本呈現出東亞地區既共享又多重的現代性。第三,韓國與台灣在偶像劇的文化成分操作上存在差異,韓國翻拍台灣偶像劇的轉譯方式更傾向於在地全球化的策略,積極透過影視文化產品推動國家文化產業發展。
In recent years, Korean dramas take Asia by storm. As the same time,Taiwan remaked Korean TV drama constantly. However, specially, Korean remake of three Taiwanese TV dramas in 2014. This study aims to analysis this phenomenon, according to three levels: policy, industry and text. Selected six text cases as the analysis pratices, including three Taiwanese TV -“Fated to Love You”, “My Queen”, “In Time with You” and the versions remaked by Korean - “Fated to Love You”, “Witch's Romance”, “The Time We Were Not in Love”. The analysis shows, in policy and industry levels, Korean government actively formulate cultural policies and successfully cooperate with the enterprise, academia, civil since the late 1990s. Therefore, Korean TV industry not only well develop in domestic, also expand in international. In contrast, Taiwan's cultural policies have been lack of careful planning and are implemented ineffectively. After 1990s, Taiwan TV industry transforms unsuccessful, lacks of resources and the related policy implement is failure. Overall, in 2014, the phenomenon that Korean start to remake of Taiwan's TV drama changed the relative relationship between the Taiwan and Korea television industry. In the text level, the remake of TV drama shows East Asian culture hybrid: first, the production of TV dramas still can not get rid of the logic of cultural commodity. Second, the remakes shows the East Asia region is shared the multiple modernity. Third, the cultural composition, used in TV drama, are different between Korea and Taiwan. Korean remakes present more globalization, and actively promote national cultural industry.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070259129
Appears in Collections:Thesis