標題: ThermPL:基於熱貢獻與熱局部性的熱感知平面擺置
ThermPL: Thermal-aware Placement Based on Thermal Contribution and Locality
作者: 宋嘉星
Song, Jia-xing
Lee, Yu-Min
關鍵字: 熱感知;擺置;Placement;Thermal;Locality
公開日期: 2016
摘要: 這個研究設計了一個針對超大型集體電路的實體設計所使用的熱感知平面擺置器。其主要功能是通過我們所設計的熱感知力和根據功率密度對邏輯單元留白這兩種方式來降低平面擺置結果的溫度峰值和溫度梯度。在此過程中我們還結合了初步合法化演算法的力導向廣域平面擺置所提供和初步合法力共同作用,保證改善溫度特性的同時盡可能的減少對線長的影響。為了設計並使用熱感知力,我們研發了通過熱基底來模擬溫度分佈的方法,這個方法可以快速并準確的在平面擺置的迭代過程中獲取溫度分佈情況,從而有效的計算出熱感知力所需要的熱貢獻量和熱局部性。隨後我們根據提出的熱關鍵度和網格熱容量計算出邏輯單元所受到的熱感知力的大小,并結合留白法將邏輯單元拉開并遠離高溫區域。通過測試,根據熱基底所計算溫度分佈的方法,與商業模擬軟體ICEPAK 的誤差僅有0.65%。 我們的熱感知擺置器在熱感知力和留白法的共同作用下,相較沒有使用熱感知考量的擺置器,可以取得顯著的溫度峰值和溫度梯度的下降。同時,熱感知擺置器只比非熱感知擺置器在擺置結果上多出很少的線長。
This work builds a thermal-aware placer, ThermPL, to abate both on-chip peak temperature and thermal gradient by developing thermal force and thermal padding techniques cooperated with rough legalization in the force-directed global placement. To make use of thermal force, we use a thermal gain basis to fast and accurately capture the temperature distribution of a placement result, and effectively calculate then thermal contribution of cells based on the thermal locality. Then, we utilize the proposed innate thermal force assessed through thermal criticality and capabilities to spread cells away from hotspots. With the thermal gain basis, ThermPL can efficiently obtain the thermal profile of placement with the maximum error of 0.65% compared with a commercial tool Icepak. Experimental results show that ThermPL can provide considerable reduction on average in peak temperature and thermal gradient respectively within only few wirelength overhead.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070260321
Appears in Collections:Thesis