標題: LED公司新商業模式之案例分析
An Analysis of New Business Models for an LED Company
作者: 胡棟宏
Hu, Dong-Hung
Wu, Muh-Cherng
關鍵字: 發光二極體;照明設備;醫療器材;商業模式;B2B, B2C,;LED;Business Model;medical instrument
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 本論文研究某LED製造商(TG公司)轉型的商業模式案例,TG公司是一家提供綠色節能LED照明產品的專業製造廠商,過去一直專注於研發更好的LED綠能照明產品為目標。近年來由於LED照明產業過度競爭,TG公司營運每下愈況,經營團隊遂調整營運目標,藉由多年來研發照明產品的經驗轉型至低能量醫療器材產業,此器材將有美膚的功能,目標客群是女性。但是發展此產品,將使公司由B2B 商業模式轉型至B2C商業模式,本研究擬分析此商業模式轉型之利弊,並研究如何執行此轉型。
This research aims to study new business models for an LED (light emitting diode) manufacturing company (known as TG-company) that recently faced fierce challenges in LED lighting industry and has suffered a substantial loss. To make a turn around, the managing team of TG-company proposed to develop a medical product based on its LED technology. The medical product is designed for improving the aesthetic feature of human skin, and targeted for female customers. Such a new product shall force TG-company to transform from a B2B business model to a B2C business model. This study carries out a systematic analysis to justify the effectiveness of the new B2C business model, and investigates how to implement the new business model.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070463068
Appears in Collections:Thesis