標題: 複製節點攻擊偵測於基於LEACH路由協定之移動式無線感測網路
Replication Attacks Detection in Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks with LEACH-based Routing Protocol
作者: 簡大鈞
Chien, Da-Chun
Ku, Cheng-Yuan
關鍵字: LEACH;無線感測網路;複製節點攻擊;LEACH;Wireless Sensor Networks;Replication Attacks
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 無線感測網路是由許多低成本的無線感測節點所組成。這樣的網路經常應用於各種情境下,如戰場、探測動物、探測溫度等等。而考慮到電力問題,由於各節點位置不同、負擔的傳輸量不同,常常因為某些節點負擔特別重,提早消耗完電力失去功能,而連帶地讓整個網路生命週期縮短,所以我們常常採取LEACH路由協定,來平衡整個網路的電力消耗、提高網路的生命週期。 無線感測網路節點由於成本較低因此經常是不防竄改的,因此惡意攻擊者就會去獲取無線感測網路中其中的部份節點,並直接複製硬體,用複製的節點去竊聽網路的通訊甚至逐步控制網路,大家一般都稱這種攻擊為複製節點攻擊。這些複製的節點往往難以識別。 過去已有許多論文針對動態環境或是靜態環境下的複製節點攻擊提出不同的解決方法,然而較少有人將實際路由因素一起考慮,有鑑於此,我們希望能夠提出一個在考慮特定路由協定下有良好表現的機制,而由於LEACH的普遍性,因此本篇論文會在以LEACH為基底的路由協下進行此方法的實驗。在這篇論文中我們在動態的無線感測網路中,設計一個在以LEACH為基底的路由協定下有較高正確率、較低溝通成本、較低能量消耗的複製節點偵測機制。
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are composed of a lot of low-cost wireless sensor nodes. This kind of network is often used in different kinds of a scenario like a battlefield, animal detection or temperature collection. Because the location and transmission of each node are different, the uneven of energy dissipation may cause the decreasing of networks lifetime. Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH) routing protocol is used to balance the energy dissipation for extending networks lifetime. Due to WSNs nodes are low-cost device, their hardware is not tamper-resistant. Attackers may capture nodes in WSNs and copy the device, use the copied node to listen to the network even control the network gradually. This type of attack is called “Replication Attack” generally. The clone nodes are usually difficult to identify. There is much research for the “Replication Attack” in mobile WSNs or static WSNs in the past. But there are fewer solutions consider routing protocol together. Therefore, we want to provide a detection approach which can have good performance when the specific routing protocol is considering. Due to the universality of LEACH, we want to have our approach simulates on LEACH based routing protocol with good performance. In this paper, we will design a detection approach for replication attack with higher accuracy, lower energy and communication cost on a LEACH based routing protocol.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070453435
Appears in Collections:Thesis