Title: 綠能車輛在臺灣地區銷售現況之因素分析
Factors of the Sales of Green Cars in Taiwan
Authors: 洪士晏
Hung, Shih-Yen
Keywords: 溫室氣體;綠能車輛;環境保護;混合動力;燃料電池;Greenhouse gas;Green cars;Environmental protection;Hybrid system;Fuel cell
Issue Date: 2015
Abstract: 由於溫室氣體造成的異常氣候,在全球各地都帶來了影響,因此如何降低溫室氣體的排放成為了世界各國關注的議題之一。而相較於使用化石燃料的傳統車輛,採用混合動力、電力或燃料電池做為動力來源的綠能車輛,所排放的溫室氣體較少,對環境造成的影響較小,因此綠能車輛的銷售成為世界各國積極推動的目標。除了提供購買綠能車輛之購車優惠以外,也提供建設充電站、加氫站等相關基礎設施的補助。反觀臺灣,對於購買綠能車輛與建設基礎設施的補助明顯少於日本與中國,因此綠能車輛在臺灣地區的銷售遭遇許多困難。另外透過比較日本與臺灣的受訪者,對於使用再生能源的願付價格,反映臺灣受訪者對於環境保護的意識較低,也影響綠能車輛在臺灣地區的銷售。因此除了建議政府提高購買綠能車輛與建置基礎設施的補助外,也應該積極宣導實行環境保護之效益,提高消費者對於環境保護的意識,達成降低能源消耗,落實環境保護的成效。
The extreme weather caused by greenhouse effect impacts the whole world. Greenhouse gas emission reduction becomes one of the important issues. Compared to the conventional cars on fossil fuel, the green cars on hybrid system, electricity, or fuel cell system has less greenhouse gas emission and impacts on the environment. Therefore, the sales of the green cars are promoted in many countries. In addition to the rebates of green car purchases, the rebates of the construction of charging stations and hydrogen refueling stations are provided. In contrast, the rebates of green car purchases and construction of infrastructure are significantly less than Japan and China. The sales of green cars in Taiwan encounter many difficulties. By comparing the willingness to pay (WTP) to use recycled energy in Japan and Taiwan, the awareness of environmental protection is lower in Taiwan, which may effectively reduce the sales of green cars in Taiwan. The rebates of green car purchases and construction of infrastructure should be raised, and the benefits of environmental protection should be well promoted to increase the awareness of environmental protection, reduce energy consumption.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT079974530
Appears in Collections:Thesis