Title: 臺鐵平交道事故運轉整理決策支援模式之建立
A Decision Support Model for Operation Adjustments in Response to Level-Crossing Accidents
Authors: 洪偉喆
Hung, Wei-Je
Chiou, Yu-Chiun
Keywords: 平交道事故;運轉整理;延遲傳播;level crossing accidents;operation adjustment;delay propagation
Issue Date: 2017
Abstract: 平交道對於鐵路系統來說,是事故易發生的處所之一,目前臺鐵局全線計有435處平交道,有關平交道的事故預防及事故應變處理都是非常重要的課題。當平交道事故發生後,調度員必須立即採取相關運轉整理策略,使事故的影響層面降至最低,這些策略往往取決於調度員的過去經驗及專業。然而平交道事故發生後,勢必造成列車運行複雜混亂,加上事故處理過程的不確定性,又得考量列車延遲傳播問題與搶修作業,要擬定出一個高品質運轉整理策略是相當困難的。


Level crossing is usually regarded as one of the most vulnerable locations to train accidents of a railway system. There are a total of 435 level crossings of Taiwan Railway Administration (TRA), implying the importance to propose effective prevention and relief operation to level-crossing accidents. Once a level-crossing accident occurs, a dispatcher has to make a decision to relive the potential impact caused by the accident immediately. In practices, such a decision is usually made according to the experiences and professional judgement of the dispatcher. However, it is not an easy job to make a high-quality decision under complex and uncertain intertwined relationships among accident evolution, delay propagation of neighboring trains, and relief operations.

With well-informed situation regarding the potential consequences of various operation adjustment strategies right after the occurrence of a level-crossing accident, dispatchers can surely improve their decision quality and effectively curtail possible impact. To this end, this study aims to develop a decision support model for operation adjustments in response to level-crossing accidents.

To do so, this study firstly estimated an accident duration model based on historical level-crossing accidents by regressing accident duration time on contributing factors including train damage, railway damage, fatality, injury, and distance to police station. With predicted accident duration, blockage of single line or double line, and frequency density of neighboring trains, a delay propagation simulation model is developed to estimate the total passenger delays under various operation adjustment strategies, including Do nothing, Passenger-transfer, Single-line operation. In terms of passenger total delay, Single-line operation strategy is the best response choice in most of cases. However, in terms of total sum of squared passenger delay, if the accident duration is long, passenger-transfer strategy become favorable.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070463603
Appears in Collections:Thesis