標題: 融合 5E 探究式教學與翻轉教室對學生學習成效之影響
Exploring the effects of integrating the 5E instruction with flipped classrooms on science learning
作者: 羅勝安
Lo, Sheng-An
Chiou, Guo-Li
關鍵字: 翻轉教室;5E探究教學;5E學習環;學習成效;Flipped classroom;5E instruction;5E learning cycle
公開日期: 2017
摘要: 本研究旨在發展一套有效融合5E探究教學與翻轉教室的課堂教學模式,並採用準實驗研究法,以檢核此教學模式對學生概念學習、科學解釋能力、學習環境感受以及學習動機的影響。本研究以國中理化光學單元為例,針對九年級四個班共75名學生進行四堂課的教學設計與實際教學;其中兩班為實驗組,係以「5E探究教學融合翻轉教室」模式進行教學,而另兩班則為控制組,是以一般翻轉教室的模式進行教學。實驗組和控制組在課程開始前皆進行光學概念前測,課程結束後則進行光學概念後測、光學解釋後測、學習環境問卷以及學習動機量表,並於一個月後進行光學概念和光學解釋的延宕測驗。研究結果指出,實驗組的學生在光學概念理解及光學解釋測驗的表現皆顯著高於控制組。而在學習環境方面,實驗組學生所感受到的建構取向程度,亦顯著高學控制組的學生,且實驗組學生的科學學習動機,也在「科學學習價值」、「成就目標」和「學習環境刺激」三個向度上顯著高於控制組的學生。本研究結果顯示將5E探究教學融入翻轉教室,不僅能協助教師營造更符合建構取向的學習環境,亦能提升學生的學習成就與學習動機。
The purposes of this study were to develop an instructional module which integrates the 5E instruction with flipped classrooms, and to conduct a quasi-experiment to examine the effects of this instructional module on students’ concept learning, scientific explanation, perception of learning environment, and learning motivation. The participants in this study were 75 ninth graders from four classes in a high school. While two of the classes were assigned to the experimental group which was taught in a 5E-integrated flipped classroom, the other two were assigned to the control group which was taught in an ordinary flipped classroom. Both groups took a pre-test, post-test and delayed-test that assesssed their conceptual understanding and scientiric explanations of optics, and completed two surveys on learning environment and learning motivation, respectively. The results of this study indicate that the experimental group gained significantly higher scores in both the post-test and delayed-test than the control group. In addition, the students in experimental group perceived a more constructivist-oriented learning environment than the control group. Moreover, regardignt learning motivation, the experimental group scored significantly higher in the following three aspects, the value of learning science, the achievement goal, and the learning environment stimulation, than the control group. The findings of this study demonstrate the effectiveness of the instructional module which integrates 5E instruction with flipped classrooms.
URI: http://etd.lib.nctu.edu.tw/cdrfb3/record/nctu/#GT070059607